Not talking to each other

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Malia's POV

I wake up to the sound of my alarm blaring I groan trying to find it and shut it off and I do. I turn and see Grayson asleep. I push him and he falls off the bed with a thump. Oops.

"What the fuck...Malia again?" He says.

"Sorry I didn't think I pushed you that hard" I say.

"Well you did" he says I chuckle.

"Sorry...get up we have to go to school" I say. It's only Thursday ughhhhhh. I get up and go to the washroom and do my stuff and I come back out to see Grayson still on the floor eyes closed I groan and kick him.

"Gray....cmon we don't have that much time get up" I say he groans.

"I don't want to get up" he says.

"Well you have to" I say.

"Give me a kiss first" He says I roll my eyes and get on my knees and kiss him. He pulls me close kissing me. But I pull away.

"Cmon go get ready" I say he sighs and gets up and goes to his house to get ready.

I wait for him after he's done we leave.

We get there and I go get my things and go up to Maya's locker she's getting her things.

"Hey!" I say.

"Oh hey bitch" she says I smile.

"We haven't talked much...ever since we got boyfriends" I say she nods.

"'re right" she replies shutting her locker. "Like we don't have our time sucks" she says as we start walking. "Well you're always with Grayson" she says.

"Um you're always with Aaron that's why you're ditching me Friday!" I inform.

"Well my parents want to meet him that's not my fault" she replies.

"Last ditched me then too!" I remark.

"You didn't want anyone to be with were moping about that fricken Grayson thing" she says.

"Ok you're being a bitch trying to act like it's always my fault we aren't having our Friday get togethers. You're always the one ditching me phi have a family thing can't be there maybe that shouldn't be our thing anymore if you're just gonna ditch me all the time to be with you're boyfriend" I say and walk away annoyed. How dare she. I'm just so mad I bump into someone and fall on my ass. Wow...isn't this the best day.

"Babe watch where you're going next time" I hear a familiar voice's not Grayson I look up to meet eyes with max.

"Don't call me babe" I say getting up. "Don't even talk to me" I add.

"Wow what's got your panties in a twist" he says I flip him off and walk away ugh dick.

"Hey you ok you look like you...are going to hurt someone...that's never a good look because you will hurt someone..." Grayson says trailing off he grabs my hand and takes me somewhere no one else is. "What's up?" He asks.

"Maya's being a bitch" I say.

"What happened...why?" He asks.

"Well I said we don't spend that much time together anymore...and she got all mad saying I spend all my time with you...." I go on explaining the story angrily.

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