The knock

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Malias POV

I wake up wrapped in a pare of strong arms I look up its Grayson of course I smile last night was great. I peck his lips but he wakes up and pulls me for a bigger kiss. We pull away.

"Morning" I say.

"Morning babe" he says. "Now I can call you babe" he adds I nod smiling.

"Malia get down here we need to say bye to you...we're leaving" my mom yells shit I forgot they were leaving today for something and Ian's going too yes. He looks confused.

"They're going somewhere for 2 weeks" i say he nods. I get up. "Be right back" I say and go downstairs.

"Ok honey don't do anything bad be good you can call Maya over. We'll see you soon are you sure you don't want to come" mom asks.

"Positive love you guys have fun bye" I say and hug them and they leave i sigh in relief and go upstairs. I go and let again next to him.

"2 weeks?" He asks I nod. "Want me to stay over?" He says I look up to him and smile and nod.

"Yeah sure" I say he kisses me lightly. We pull away.

"I love you" he says putting hair behind my ear.

"Love you too" o reply pecking his lips.

"So since the house is empty we are alone for 2 weeks...we can do whatever we want" he says pulling my up to lay on him. I rest my chin on his muscular chest. He then kissing me and flips so I'm under like always. "that" he says between kisses I giggle. "But before that" he says pulling away and starts to tickling me I laugh.

"No please" I say. "G-Grayson please...please...stop....ha....stop" I say between laughs. I just keep laughing and kicking. He stops.

"Fine just because I'm nice" he says I laugh.

"Ok" I say he kisses me. His hands go lower and touches my thigh his warm hands touching my cold skin. His lips never leave mine.


We lay in the bed I'm wrapped in his arms he's playing with my fingers because our hands are intertwined together.

"Let's go downstairs....I wanna have a coffee" I say.

"Why don't you have a coffee machine I here" he groans I roll my eyes getting up.

"Fine stay I'm going" I said getting up and going downstairs I make myself a coffee and I feel arms wrap around me while I make my coffee I smile. His chin goes in the crook of my neck he kisses my neck. I turn to face him my coffee in my hands. "I thought you didn't want to come down" I say.

"I didn't want to at first but I figured why not" he says our faces centimetres apart. He smiles just looking at me I do to he kisses me lightly and pulls away. I take a sip of my coffee and my phone bing's. I look it's Maya.

Maya: want me to come over?

Me: no...but guess what!

Maya: I'm not guessing tell me

Me: Grayson said this whole like thing about how much he loves me and cares about me and yeah all that last night in the rain and we're back together.

Maya: that's great I didn't want to come over anyways I have a huge headache

Me: yeah wonder why was it good

Maya: yeah

Me: how's aaron?

Maya: I don't know

Me: I know you're with him

Maya: he's good

Me: well ok then anyways gotta go

I put it away and see Grayson's looking at me

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing I'm just lucky" he says his hands on my waist.

"Why?" I ask.

"Well I got you back" he replies I smile and blush a little.

"Yeah you are lucky" I joke he smiles and kisses me. I pull away. "Let me at least finish my coffee" I say and keep

"So why are they gone?" He asks.

"I don't know something they had to do I think something for my aunt or whatever" I say he nods putting his hand on the table kinda blocking me in. I put my coffee in the sink after I finish it.

"So..." I say.

"So..." He replies.

"So" I say again.

"So...what?" He asks I shrug. He leans in and kisses me. His hand goes to my waist I put my arms around his neck. I hop up onto the counter he comes closer. We pull away for air...but I just want to keep kissing him...everything about him is just great.

"I really missed was only like 5 days" I say he nods in agreement.

"Yeah it was horrible...but let's not talk about that because it doesn't matter anymore" he says I nod he pecks my lips. "What matter is I love you" he adds I smile.

"I love you too" I reply.

"And we need to keep ourselves occupied so" he says and lifts me up I laugh he carries me to the room and throws me on the bed. He crawls up to me and kisses me lightly on the lips but I hear a knock from downstairs lightly on the door. I pull away.

"Someone's here" I say.

"Really?" He asks.

"Yeah someone knocked" I reply getting up I walk out and go downstairs. I rub my fingers through my hair and then open the door and I see...a guy...random guy.

"Hello" he says he's tall has brown eyes and lighter hair.

" who are you?" I ask.

"Charles this is probably the wrong house..." He says.

"Who are you looking for?" I ask.

"Grayson...Mathews" he says I raise an eyebrow.

"Well it is the wrong house he lives next door but he's here so you need him for something?" I ask he nods.

"Yeah" he replies. Then I feel and arm around me before I could call him. I turn Grayson's there he's starring at the guy his jaw clenched.

"What are you doing here and how did you know I was here?" He asks the man what the hell is happening.

"I wanted to visit you is that so bad?" He says.

"Can you just leave...please" Grayson says bitterly.

"I want you to love with me" he says...wait is this...his dad?

"No" Grayson said right away. "Never in a million years" he adds.

"Why?" Charles asks.

"I wouldn't want to get beat again" Grayson says he told me that his dad hit him I forgot no wonder he does have some scars.

"Grayson...don't say that" he says.

"Just leave...I'm not ready for your bullshit" Grayson says.

"Fine but I'll be back" he says. "We need to talk" he adds and leaves I close the door and turn to Grayson he looks mad his jaw still clenched.

"Hey it's fine...ok...he's an idiot" I say he nods.

"I know I just hate him" Grayson says I nod his jaw unclenches and his hands go to my hips. "I love you" he says quietly.

"I love you too" I say back he kisses me gently and we carry this back to the room.

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