Little walk

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Malia's POV

It's been a couple of hours. "Maybe we should walk out a little see if there's a highway or a gas stain anywhere near by" I suggest me and Grayson are still outside. He looks at the time.

"It's getting late babe" he says I shrug.

"Whatever" I say.

"You sure?" He asks.

"Yeah" I say he looks at me for a little then nods he opens the car door.

"Me and Mal are going to walk out a little see if there's anything" he says to them they nod and he grabs his jacket and closes the door he puts it on its a little cold. We start walking.

"Was that super cheesy?" He asks I look at him confused.

"What?" I question.

"The thing in the sand...we aren't a cheesy couple was that too cheesy?" He asks.

"You know sometimes cheesy is a good thing" I say he nods.

"So was it answer the question" he says.

"It was cute...I don't know it it was cheesy I haven't seen someone write a note to me in sand...that long only like I love you" I say he nods. "Why soul it matter anyways I think it made you like 10x hotter" I say he smirks.

"Well I'm already pretty hot so" he says.

"Yeah, yeah whatever mr. Cocky" I say.

"Well babe would you like to be Mrs. Cocky" he says I roll my eyes as he chuckles he wraps his arm around me. It's weird though he so tall compared to me.

"Maybe someday" I mutter to myself.

"Huh?" He asks.

"Nothing" I say shrugging. I don't really want him to know I think there could be a future if he doesn't feel the same.

"I heard you" he says I look up in confusion. "I heard you say maybe one day I just thought I didn't hear you right" he says oh god fuck balls.

"Uh...I..." I have nothing.

"It's long as you weren't joking...then k think it's fine" he says.

"What don't you mean as long as I was joking" I ask he shakes his head.

"No...I mean as long as you weren't joking...because I want you to become my wife one cheesy as this sounds I want you to have my kids" he says with a smile I smile lightly.

"Actually?" I ask he nods.

"Totally...I would want a girl and a boy and they have your eyes and smile and I just want them to look like you...but when our son grows up he better have like super good looks like me even though your hot. But yeah" he says I smile because even though we aren't close to this.

"Well they have to look like you a little like look at you" I say.

"No I prefer them to look like you" he says.

"Oh cmon shut up. We're both hot they'll look like both of us" I say he nods in satisfactory.

"Yeah there" he says as we walk there's still nothing and it's getting darker.

"Well I thought you were gonna be distant about this like every other guy" I say.

"I'm not every other guy" he says.

"Yeah you are you like sex you're cocky" I say.

"Hey whatever everyone likes sex" he says.

"Not everyone" I say.

"Whatever" he says. "All that matters is i'm amazing" he says I roll my eyes.

"Whatever floats your boat" I say.

"Wow ok" he says I laugh.

"Sorry but you aren't that amazing you just have to maybe not be so cocky" I say.

"Love you too babe...nice to know how you feel about me" he replied I laugh.

"Sorry I'm doing this for your benefit but I do love you" I say he rolls his eyes playfully at me I peck his lips going on my tippy toes.
But that peck turns into a kiss with him. And that kiss turns into a make out session he pushes me against a tree one of his hands on my waist the other against the tree. What's up with this dude lately he's a sex addict.

"I think your a sex addict" I say he chuckles.

"With you who wouldn't be" he mumbles against my lips I blush but it's darker so he can't see. He pulls me closer if that's possible and kisses me fiercely he kisses along my jawline down to my neck and collarbone. He brings it back up quickly to kiss my lips again.

"Im staring to think you love my lips more than me" I mumble into the kiss.

"No but your lips are irresistible so...that's probably why" he mutters out still kissing me.

"I don't think so" I say.

"Shut up and let me kiss you Carter" he says my last name sexily. Wow what's up with this guy. His ha da slide down and he wraps my legs around his waist and hold me up against the tree.

"Aren't we suppose to look for a way to get our car working?" I ask.

"Fuck that" he says.

"Ok whatever you say Mathews" I say he smiles in the kiss.

"Ok I love you but you gotta stop talking so we can just make out right now" I say pulling away I nod and he kisses me again I swear my lips will be super swollen tomorrow. But I really don't care because I love this guy for I don't know what reason and I love everything about his kisses so I don't care if my lips are bigger than my fricken head as long as I'm close to Grayson I'm fine. It may sound like he's got the upper hand I don't think so because he seems the same way I do about him to me if not more and I think he's sad of losing me. Well i hope he does. Got I love this guy he's amazing.


Hey guys so I stared a new book called falling for the bad boy please go check it out hope you're enjoying this book sorry for the short chapter wanted to update quickly oops.


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