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Malia's POV

We stopes somewhere it's the woods it's nice I got Pringles and then we went to McDonalds and they got burgers. We sit on a log watching the sky for no reason. "So what's the point of this" I ask biting down on a chip.

"We're just sitting here for no reason" Grayson says.

"We're just bored" chase says.

"Maybe you're just boring" Grayson says.

"Fuck off" chase says.

"Fuck you mate" Grayson says I hold in laughter because he said mate.

"You can pal" chase retorts back.

"Just shut the fuck up" Aaron says we all look at him I laugh he does too.

"You never swear it's weird and it doesn't suit you" I say.

"You're right" he says.

I stop laughing.

"Really though shut the fuck up you idiots you've been friends forever right so stop fighting this is my road trip and if you'd like I'll just take the car and Aaron" I say annoyed by them.

"I'm not apologizing to the dick" Grayson says.

"You don't have to but don't talk to him either or just forgive each other and be friends again" I say chase huffs and eats the rest of his burger. I finish my chips.

"Now on my list it says get high again right who has weed I'm bored and I'm sick of being in that car so" I say they look surprised.

"Ok I'll get it" Aaron says getting up he gets it.

Soon I'm super high.

"You're pretty and you're hot and everything that's good in a man" I say to Grayson he smirks.

"I know I am" he says cockily.

"Now let's go on adventures through the woods" i say skipping off.

Grayson's POV

I catch up to Malia so do the other guys.

"Hey Malia" chase says going up to her we're all high now and I know he gets flirty not with Malia no.

"Hey chase you have a nice nose" se says. I glare at him.

"Thank you you have a cute face" he says.

"Ooh flirty" she says.

"Yeah you can say that but who wouldn't flirt with you?" He asks she giggles no...what's happening. "So...what do you say you and I go on an adventure" he says throwing his arm around her I'm high and when I'm high I get protective over people I like I go up to chase and grab him by the collar she skips off.

"Touch her and you die for it mate" I say I push him against the tree.

"Fuck off" he says.

"Don't touch her" I say angrily.

"You like her I know" he says.

"No one said that" I say.

"So I can go out with her" he says.

"Fuck no back off dick" I say pushing harder on the tree.

"Ok fine calm down" he says.

"Don't tell me what to do touch her and I brake you arm" I say.

"Fine" he say u let go and walk away. Wow I was angry maybe because he tried to flirt with Stella when we were dating and I got angry I know it's different but Malia I think I actually like her.

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