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Malia's POV

I wake up with an arm wrapped around me tightly what the hell. I turn and see Grayson sleeping peaceful. He looks so peaceful it's weird but yet cute.

"Take a picture it'll last longer" he says is eyes still closed.

"How do you know I'm staring?" I ask.

He opens his eyes. "I just found out for sure...but I know when someone staring at me I feel there eyes burning into me" he says.

"Wait why did I sleep here what even happened" I ask.

"I gave you some brownies and those brownies turned out to be weed ones oops" he says.

"You ga end weed brownies you idiot I'm known for being embarrassing when I'm high it happened before" I say he chuckles.

"You've done it before" he asks.

"Yes and it wasn't great" I say.

"Well let's just say you're truthful you complimented me like a billion times it was amazing I'm not gonna lie and you made a bucket list" he says pulling it out.

"Shit I didn't want your ego to be any bigger than it already is" I say he rolls his eyes.

I take the list and look at it. "I didn't add one thing" I say he looks at me confuse.

"What?" He asks.

"Get drunk" I say he chuckles.

"Ok" he says. "Um can I tell you something we did last night Mal you say you wanted to yell at Max Clinton and trash hi house" he says shit.

"And what happened?" I ask.

"Well we did we went there and threw eggs at his house and did he actually almost force you to sleep with him?" He asks I freeze I hate talking about it.

"Um...um....um...yeah" I sigh. I don't like talking about it I almost cry and I hate crying. I see Grayson's jaw clench angrily. "It was a year ago it's fine" I say shrugging when it wasn't actually fine.

"It's not fine Malia he almost raped you how did he not did he actually and you aren't telling me" he says. We are both sitting up I stand up I'm in just his shirt what the hell.

"No" I say.

"Them how did you get him to stop?" He asks.

I blink back my tears. "His friend came over and found him and he helped me" I say looking down. I hear him shuffle around. He lifts my chin.

"It ok Malia you're safe now" he says looking into my eyes I nod. I hold back the urge to cry and jut look away.

I see a picture on his desk. "Who's this" I ask it's a girl she has dark hair she's really pretty actually she's laughing.

"Um someone" he says.

"That's unfair I just opened up about Max and what happened and you can't tell me who the girl is" I ask annoyed.

"Stella" he says I'm confused I remember that he said Stella yesterday.

"Stella you said Stella yesterday is she your girlfriend how come you never told me you have a girlfriend?" I ask with a smile.

"You talk a lot you know that" he says I roll my eyes. "She's my was my girlfriend" he says.

"Do you still like her" I ask. "Why'd you break up" I add.

"Full of questions aren't you" he says. "We didn't break up she's dead" he says I freeze and my smile fades.

"Oh my god Grayson I'm so sorry that's horrible" I say. He shrugs. "How if you don't mind me asking?" I ask.

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