Skinny dipping

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Malia's POV

I wake up my hand aching I groan and look around Grayson's still asleep. I sit up slightly.

"Babe you ok" I hear his groggily voice I nod.

"Yeah" I reply.

"Chase texted me saying they'll be here soon and I told them to bring clothes" he adds.

"Ok" I say.

Soon chase and Aaron walk in. "Hey's the hand Mal" chase asks.

"Fine..." I say he nods.

"We got you some clothes so go change" he says he gives me the clothes I get them an go to the washroom he got me some leggings and Grayson's shirt why the hell. I put it on and go out.

"You didn't even get my shirt" I say.

"Oops well your guys's clothes were messed up so" he says I shrug the doctor walks.

"Ok well good you are ready you can leave anytime make sure to bandage the cut again every week so it can heel properly" he says I nod and he leaves.

"Ok well we can leave" I say they nod Grayson gets up and we leave the hospital.

We are back to the car and driving. "Maybe we should just go back" Grayson says.

"No Grayson I want to finish my list ok so I got my tattoo I almost broke the law and now I have to go skinny dipping...that's why did we do this last...because I haven't even lost my virginity and I'm gonna go skinny dipping with three guys. No I'll do it alone" I say.

"C'mon Malia it's not skinny dipping when you are by yourself" Grayson says.

"Shut up" I say.

"It's not" he says.

"You guys are comfortable with being naked in front of each other and especially girls I wouldn't be surprised" I say they all gasp.

"Are you calling us sluts" they say I laugh.

"Yes" I admit.

"Wow Malia...I can't believe you" Grayson says.

"Sorry but you guys have probably had sex with a million girls and I haven't even seen anything...and I don't want to see anything...really an that would be too much anything" I say Grayson chuckles.

"You've probably seen one on tv...movies" he says.

"Obviously...but not in real life" I say.

"You know you want to see it" he says.

"You're I don't want to see that thing" I say.

"It's on your list you have to do it" he says.

"Yeah I'll do it by myself" I say.

"No...what's the point" he says.

"It's awkward...and if I let you guys no one looks at me until I get fully into the water" I say.

" what does that mean?" He asks.

"It means maybe" I say he smirks.

"You won't regret it babe" he says and winks I roll my eyes.

"Sure" I say.

"So we'll get hotel rooms and then tonight we'll go to the beach" he says.

"Can we just stop because I'm hungry" I say he nods.

We soon pull into a food place to eat I get out my hand is hurting we walk into the restaurant we sit somewhere and then we order our food and eat.

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