An Announcement

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Your POV:

"Hello!" We heard Karen come in. "Hi everyone." Her and Dan walked into the house. Erin and Jerry were behind them.

Everyone greeted each other and caught up. "Babe can I talk to you for a minute." Morgan said.

"Yeah." We got up and went outside.

"They're all here." She said. "I think it's time."

I took a deep breath. "Lets do this."

We went back inside. "Hey." Morgan said. "Can everyone sit down and listen for a minute." She said. They all sat. "We have an announcement." She looked at me.

"What?" I acted like I didn't know. "I'm gonna sit too."

"Babe stand up."

"Yeah I'm gonna stand up."

"So whipped." Kelley said.

"Shut up." Hope said. "What's the announcement?"

I looked at Morgan. "Um so Morgan wanted to get pregnant and have a baby after we got married. Everyone knows that." I said. "So when we got back from the honeymoon when I signed with Houston Morgan went to the doctors and"

"I'm pregnant!" She finished.

"OH MY GOD!" AJ yelled. Everyone looked at me. "Yeah I knew." He said.

"That is incredible!" Morgan's parents got up and hugged us.

Karen and Dan hugged us too. So did Kelley. Hope sat there.

I stared at her. She nodded.

Everyone started talking and I went outside, Hope followed me.

"What?" I said.

"Nothing." She said. "You know I'm happy for you guys. I love you guys."

"Then why don't you seem happy?"

"Cause you're growing up and that makes me sad." She said.

"Hey." I said. "I thought I was always gonna be your baby girl."

"You are but now my baby girl is having a baby." She put her arm around me. "You're 21 now. Where have the years gone?"

I nodded. "It's always like that. The twins are almost 1." I said. "Everyone grows but just cause their age changes doesn't mean they do. I may be 21 now, but I'll always be a kid." I said. "Not that exact same kid you know cause I'm happy now." She smiled. "But I'll always be a kid. I'll always be YOUR kid."

She hugged me. "Have I told you how proud I am of you lately?"

"Probably but tell me again."


"Cause I'm a kid who needs to know their mom is proud of them." She laughed.


"Come." I poked her. "Do it."


"Come on!" I kept poking her. "Do it! Say it. Say "I'm so proud of you Y/N" come on."

"Ok ok!" She said. "Just stop with the poking."

I laughed.

"I'm so proud of you." She said. I put my head on her shoulder.

"I love you mom."

"I love you too mom to be."

I laughed.

"Now lets go celebrate with everyone." We got up and went inside. "Morgan." She walked over to her and hugged her.

"Wow Hope Solo is hugging me. I can't remember the last time this happened." She said.

"2015. World Cup."

"Yeah true."

I laughed. AJ grabbed my hand. "I love you mommy. I can't wait for the baby." I picked him up.

"I can't either." I said holding him.

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