Treading Deep Waters

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Callie POV

I followed the girls back an alley way and saw more girls there, standing on street corners. I had a very bad feeling about this, but if they turned me in the cops would come and send me back. 

Girl- we have an operation set up to make a living

Callie- what operation?

Girl- escourts for guys

Callie- you mean like.. hookers.. prostitutes

the girl stared at me, definitly offended

Callie- I'm not interested

I turned to leave but they stopped me

Girl- you think we all didn't start off like you did, thinking we were to good to do this kind of work, don't kid yourself, your just as desperate as we are

I knew they were right, I was extremely desperate. but not this desperate

Girl- look we need more girls, and you need some money. join us or you won't make it

Brandon POV

life at home was worse than ever, everyone was angry at me. except Jude after that night when he broke down in front of me, we were better. knowing now we both felt the same guilt and both wanted the same thing for Callie to come home. since I told everyone things have been awkward and pretty silent for a normally buzzing house. since moms went to look for Callie there has been no other leads to where she might be, so we just had to wait.

every day, every moment I wondered where she was. I wondered if she was okay, and if she was happy. I wasn't sure before but now that she was gone and I felt the real part of being apart from her. I knew positively that I am in love with her. I just hoped she would come back so I could tell her that in person.

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