Rest And Relaxation

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Callie POV

Since I had been in the hospital I was really enjoying being able to relax and do nothing for a change. I think my dad was feeling guilty about making me do to much. the day I came home from the hospital he and Jude cleaned the whole house and my dad made diner. he also cut back on his hours at work for awhile so he could be around more. I knew he couldn't keep that up for long though, financially it was killing us. currently I was lying on the couch watching TV, wrapped up in a blanket. My dad was getting ready to go to work for a few hours. there was a knock on the door, I getting up to answer it.

Jude- I got it

I laid back down and Jude opened the door.

Brandon- hey

Jude- hi

Brandon came in and I sat up so he could sit down on the couch too.

Callie- I didn't know you were coming over

Brandon- yeah well..

Travis- okay guys, I'm leaving for work

Jude- wait you said I could go to Connor's house today

Travis- I don't have time to take you now, I'll be late

Callie- I can take him to Connor's

Travis- your not supposed to do anything

Callie- this is ridiculous I've been sitting on the couch for three days

Brandon- no, you rest I'll take him

Travis- thanks Brandon, I have to go

dad rushed out the door, and Jude and Brandon left.

after dropping Jude off, Brandon returned.

Callie- hey, that was quick

Brandon- well I was anxious to get back

I moved over so he could sit with me on the couch.

Brandon- you wanna watch a movie or something?

Callie- have your moms called Bill?

Brandon- I don't know, they were talking about it but I don't know if they did for sure

Callie- If they do.. forget I said anything, I just wanna focus on us right now

Brandon- yeah

Callie-  absolutely

we started kissing and it turned into a full on make out session

Brandon- your supposed to be resting

Callie- no the doctor said rest and relaxation.. being with you relaxes me

Brandon POV

I woke up about an hour later, me and Callie had fallen asleep on the couch. Callie was lying in my arms, the TV was still playing the movie we had been watching and a blanket covered us. Callie was stirring but not fully awake yet, she snuggled herself into my chest and I cuddled back in.

Brandon- your dad will be home soon

Callie- um.. I know

I kissed her forehead and then we reluctantly got up. soon after we got up Connor's mom dropped Jude off. there was knock on the door.

Jude- who's that?

Callie- I don't know

Brandon- your dad?

Callie- if it was him he would just use his key

Callie opened the door

Callie- Bill.. what are you doing here?

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