Getting Closure

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Callie POV

I was hanging out with the other girls, I looked around at what my life had become. I knew there was something I had to do, something that had been bothering me my entire life, something I needed to get closure with now. I needed to get closure with my dad, the past few days had made me think about a lot. I felt like with everything that was happening I was becoming my father, something I had feared for a long time. I looked up the number for the prison and went to a pay phone. as I dialed the number I flashed back to last time I saw my dad, he was being lead away in handcuffs at the hospital soon after finding out about moms death. then someone picked up on the end of the line.

Officer- police department how can I help you?

Callie- um, yes, I'm trying to contact someone who Is in your prision 

Officer- whats the name?

Callie- Jacob.. Travis Jacob

Officer- one moment please 

I waited on the phone for what seemed like forever, I was so extremely nervous.

Officer- um, miss

Callie- yes

Officer- he was let out of prison about a year and a half ago

Callie- what? he's out of prison? I thought his sentence was longer?

Officer- well he was let out early for good behavior, hes still on probation though

Callie- do you.. do you know where he is?

Officer- we can't give out that information over the phone

Callie- right, of course.. thank you

after the phone conversation I was determined to track down my father. I started searching local to the prision, I assumed he would be near since probation didn't let you go very far. I was lucky and found a name right in the phone book, I went to his apartment both nervous and anxious. when I got there and knocked on the door, a woman next door informed me he wasn't home. she said he was working, so I went to the local restaurant were he worked. 

when I entered the place I slowly looked around, proceding very cautiously. the place was nearly empty but still had a few people eating. I wondered what he was like now, if I would even recognize him, if he would know me. a waitress saw me standing at the doorway and came over.

Waitress- can I help you?

Callie- um.. I.. I'm looking for someone.. Travis Jacob?

Waitress- Travis? yeah he works here

Callie- I need to talk to him

Waitress- he's in the back I'll get him

Callie- thanks

I walked over to the counter and waited, then I saw a man come out and walk towards me. right away I recognized him, he was the same as I remembered him just older. I couldn't tell if he recognized me or not.

Travis- someone said you were looking for me

Callie- yeah, you don't know who I am.. do you?

he paused a minute and really looked at me

Travis- Callie?

I nodded my head

Travis- I can't believe your here, come sit down

he lead me to a table and we sat down

Travis- I'm sorry I didn't recognize you right away, you look so grown up since I last saw you

Callie- alot's happened in six years

Travis- how did you even find me?

Callie- I contacted the prision, I was suprised to find out you weren't there

Travis- I just got out, I was going to call you but..

Callie- you got out over a year ago dad

Travis- how's Jude, he must be ten..

Callie- twelve.. he's twelve, and he's doing really good right now 

Travis- why isn't he with you?

Callie- he's at a really nice home with a great family, their going to adopt him

Travis- where are you staying?

Callie- I was staying at the house with him, but I kinda did some things and.. I can't stay there anymore so..

Travis- I always wondered what happend, how you were

Callie- I wrote you, but then you stopped writing me

Travis- yeah, I'm sorry Callie, your letters were always so sweet and I just felt so guilty for what happened, I just couldn't answer..

Callie- all these years and I have never once blamed you for what happend to mom, I haven't held a grudge against you I..  when you got out of prison you didn't come back for me and Jude, you didn't even check in, call, nothing..

Travis- Callie, you and Jude were better off in foster care, I couldn't take you back in, I can barely support myself. I didn't want to interept your lives

Callie- better off! we have endured six years of pure.. hell

Travis- Callie, come on..

Callie- where were you? when I was being hurt, or when Jude was crying himself to sleep everynight! where the hell were you! six years! we have lived completly seperate lives and me and Jude have gone through things.. things that if I told you.. you couldn't even handle! you are my father and I don't know you, and you sure don't know me.

with that I got up and left, looking back once and seeing only the look of regret on his face.

when I got back to the hookers they told me tonight was tonight. I would have to do my first job. but that night instead I went back to the same convience store from before, I walked to the front of the store and blatantly stole something right where the cashier could see me. he called me on it and contacted the police, the cops came and arrested me. I was sent back to Juvie for theft and violating my probabtion by leaving the country.

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