The Final Call

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Brandon POV

we all stood around in the kitchen, watching Callie talk on the phone. I was holding my breath, looking for some clue to what was being said. her voice was steady and her face showed no reaction. after another minute she hung up the phone and looked back at us.

Brandon- well?

Callie- the judge wants us to come to the courthouse

Brandon- why?

Callie- the judge wants to talk to Jude

Brandon- what? about what?

Callie- I don't know

Brandon- do you think we should..

Callie- I think we should go to court

Callie POV

we entered the courthouse cautiously, when we got there we were told to wait out in the lobby until we were called. I sat on the bench felling extremely sick.

Brandon- Callie, you okay?

Callie- I'll be right back.. I.. feel sick to my stomach

I rushed to the bathroom and vomited, I cleaned my face and washed my hands. I looked in the mirror, wondering if I had done the right thing by having us come here. I suddenly became aware that us coming here could mean Jude being taken away from us. I slowly made my way back out to the lobby. I saw Brandon and Jude sitting where I left them, but now my dad was sitting with them. Brandon had his arm protectively around Jude as my father spoke to him, I headed towards them. when I reached them my father stopped talking and looked up at me.

Travis- hi Callie, how are you?

Callie- I'll let you know after this is over

I turned from him and took a seat next to Brandon, he held my hand trying to calm me down. as we sat there I didn't say a thing, but I could here my dad talking to Jude.

Travis- I'm moving out of the apartment, gonna move into a big house with a pool.. it will be fun to live there.. won't it?

Jude- yeah

Travis- and we can get whatever games you want.. you know anything you want

we were called into the courtroom, we sat down on our side. the judge motioned for Jude to come forward, he did a little scared.

Judge- Jude, do you know why I called you here today?

Jude nodded his head no

Judge- but you must know its about your.. living arrangements

Jude- yes

Judge- I just need you to answer one question for me today

Jude- okay

Judge- who do you want to live with?

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