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Brandon POV

I headed up the stairs to Callie's apartment, it was the first time I had been inside the place. when I picked her up, she usually just meet me outside. I hadn't been able to see her as much lately, she was watching Jude more because of her dads job. she was supposed to meet me outside tonight, but after texting her and sitting in the car for a little while I decided to just go in. when I got to the second floor I looked around and quickly saw apartment nine, I knocked on the door. after a minute Callie opened the door.

Callie- hey

Brandon- hey

I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and came inside

Callie- what are you doing here?

Brandon- we were supposed to go to the movies

Callie- oh my God, I'm so sorry.. I completely forgot

Brandon- its okay, lets just go now

Callie- I can't.. my dads at work, I have to watch Jude

Brandon- oh..

Callie- can we just do it tomorrow night, my dad will be home to watch Jude so..

Brandon- I have practice tomorrow night

Callie- okay, then..

Brandon- we can just hang out here tonight or Jude can come with us to the movie

Callie- you sure you don't mind?

Brandon- no it's fine

Callie- okay.. 

she put her arms around my neck, and rested her forehead against mine

Callie- sorry

Brandon- don't worry about it okay, go get Jude and we can still make it to the movie

Callie- okay, be right back

she went to get Jude. while I was alone I looked around the apartment. the place itself was nice but kind of a mess right now. there were dirty dishes filling the sink, laundry thrown everywhere. I wondered to myself if things were really as good as she said they were.

Callie POV

after the movie we all got ice cream and then headed back to the apartment. Brandon parked out front of the apartment and we sat in the car for a minute.

Callie- Jude, start heading inside, I'll be there in a minute

Jude- okay

Brandon- see yah bud

Jude- bye, thank you

Brandon- your welcome

Jude got out of the car and we saw him head inside

Callie- tonight was fun

Brandon- yeah it was

Callie- I can hang out on Saturday, if you want to have a date alone

we both smiled

Brandon- your dad was probably wondering where you and Jude went 

Callie- he's not home yet

Brandon- really? its almost ten

Callie- he usually dosen't get home till midnight, and sometimes he works early to so...

Brandon- so I guess a lot of responsibility falls on your shoulders

Callie- yeah, but its better than being in a group home, or back in juvie.. its worth it if me and Jude are together and I get to be with you

Brandon- I'm worried about you

Callie- don't be.. okay, I'm fine really.. I would tell you if I wasn't

I leaned across the seat touched his face and kissed him

Callie- I have to go, Saturday?

Brandon- yeah, sounds great

Callie- love you

Brandon- love you too

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