The Next Chapter Of Our Lives

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Callie POV

we got to go home from the hospital today. I headed up to our apartment, Brandon ahead of me carrying Colleen. we got inside and I settled down on the couch with Colleen.

Brandon- glad to be home?

Callie- absolutely 

Brandon- you want something to eat or..

Callie- actually someone needs to pick Jude up from school so..

Brandon- right, will you guys be okay well I'm..

Callie- we will be fine, now go or you'll be late

Brandon- okay, love you

he gave me a kiss and kissed Colleen on the forehead.

Callie- love you too

Brandon POV

after I picked Jude up from school we headed up to the apartment. when we got up there Callie was still on the couch holding Colleen.

Callie- hey how was school?

Jude- good

Callie- why don't you start your homework 

Jude- okay

I sat on the couch next to Callie as Jude headed for his room. after a minute Callie noticed I was stareing at her.

Callie- what?

Brandon- nothing, I was just thinking..

Callie- thinking what?

Brandon- just when we first met, did you ever think we would end up here? 

Callie- I never imagined my life being this complicated, unpredictable.. or this good

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