A Chapter Ending

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Brandon POV 

I was headed to the kitchen to get a snack when I accidentally overheard a conversation between moms. it was about Callie and Jude.

Lena- we can't let this happen, we have to stop this!

Stef- you heard what Bill said, Travis has been declared a suitable guardian and if he wants the kids he can take them

Lena- we could go to court and fight for custody

Stef- they'll give them to Travis

Lena- well just fight it then

Stef- come on Lena you know that a legal fight like this could go on for years, by that time they would most likely be 18 anyways

Lena- I can't believe this guy can come back after six years and just take them away, I mean we are so close to adopting them

Stef- maybe this is for the best

Lena- what, how can you say that!

Stef- its just with the whole thing between Brandon and Callie.. I've kind of been uncomfortable going through with the adoption

Lena- what you think their still together

Stef- I don't know but.. there's still something between them

Callie POV

me and Jude were called into the kitchen after dinner, Stef and Lena wanted to talk to us about something. I pretty much already knew what it was about.

Stef- have a seat guys

Lena- um.. we got a call from Bill earlier today and he said your father wants you to come live with him

Stef- how do you guys feel about that?

Callie- I'm guessing we don't really have a choice in this right?

Lena- well..

Stef- yes Callie that is correct

Lena- look we want you guys to stay here more than anything but..

Stef- we did everything we could

Callie- when?

Stef- Saturday

Lena- we'll come visit you guys and you can call anytime...

Stef- yeah if you ever need anything...

Jude- thanks

we got up to leave the room, but before I left I turned back to them still sitting at the table

Callie- I know you really did do everything you could.. it means a lot

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