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Callie POV

I didn't sleep at all that night, not after seeing that text message from Talya. when Brandon came back I decided not to confront him. at school the next day I found him to try and see if he would just tell me he was going to Talya's tonight.

Callie- hey

Brandon- hey, I wanted to talk to you

Callie- oh yeah.. about what?

Brandon- I know I've been busy lately and blowing you off.. and I'm sorry

Callie- oh.. its okay, I understand

Brandon leaned in a gave me a kiss on the cheek

Callie- how about you make it up to me, we can do something tonight

Brandon- um.. I can't tonight

Callie- why?

Brandon- I have to work on a school project

Callie- right

After having that conversation with Brandon, I felt the anger building inside of me. he was going to see Talya and he was lying to me. I decide to follow him over to Talya's house and see with my own eyes what was really going on. after he parked his car a went inside, I crept to the window of the house and looked inside.

Brandon POV

I was walking out of Talya's to my car, when I got to the car I was surprised to see Callie leaning against it.

Brandon- Callie what are you doing here?

Callie- what are you doing here?

Brandon- wait, how did you even know I was here?

Callie- I saw the text from Talya on your phone

Brandon- what!

Callie- what is going on Brandon! why are you at Talya's house!

Brandon- we are working on a school project together

Callie- why didn't you tell me then!

Brandon- I don't know, I thought maybe you would over react! what are you gonna freak out every time I'm around another girl!

Callie- Talya is not just any girl, she's your ex-girlfriend!

Brandon- what did you think I was doing with Talya anyways!

Callie- Brandon I know you want to.. have sex and I keep making you wait, so I just thought maybe..

Brandon- wait! you thought I was coming here to have sex with Talya!

Callie- I'm sorry, but you have been acting weird around me ever since that night and you didn't tell me anything about a school project. what was I supposed to think?

Brandon- you don't trust me Callie

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