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Callie POV

it was almost ten thirty at night, I was about to go to bed. I heard a knock on the door and went to answer it. I was surprised to see Stef standing there.

Callie- hi.. come in

she came in as I closed the door behind her, I could tell she was upset

Callie- so.. Brandon told you

Stef- yes, he did.. and I am so angry right now!

Callie- can you please keep it down, Jude's sleeping in his room

Stef- where's your father? does he know?

Callie- yes, I told my dad earlier.. Jude dosen't know yet

Stef- and he's okay with this?

Callie- he was surprised and upset but.. he's agreed to go along with it

Stef- well I'm sorry I won't be that understanding

Callie- Stef.. I..

Stef- Brandon should be going to college this fall, not getting married and having a baby!

Callie- this isn't what any of us planned but.. its not the worst thing that ever happened

Stef- not for you

Callie- what is that supposed to mean?

Stef- Brandon thought you were on the pill

Callie- I am, its not a hundred percent..

Stef- you should have been more careful!

Callie- look.. I'll accept my half of the responsibility, but I didn't get pregnant on my own

Stef- I know that

Callie- I told Brandon I was not gonna hold him back for his future plans and that I would have this baby by myself, but he didn't want that

Stef- you knew that Brandon would take responsibility and do the right thing! you trapped him!

Callie- I did not get pregnant on purpose, how dare you even accuse me on something like that!

Stef- do the right thing for once and tell Brandon the wedding is off and he should go to college

Callie- get out

Stef- excuse me?

Callie- I don't care if your my future mother in law or not, you can't talk to me like that.. not here, not ever

after Stef left I was so upset, I couldn't go to bed now. I sat in the living room, thinking about the mess I had on my hands

Jude- are you okay?

Callie- what are you doing up?

Jude- I heard you and Stef fighting, whats going on?

Callie- come, sit down

he sat next to me on the couch and I wrapped my arm around him 

Jude- why is Stef so mad?

Callie- um.. there's gonna be some changes happening very soon and shes just a little upset right now.. but she'll get over it

Jude- are you and Brandon really getting married?

Callie- yep, you okay with that?

Jude- I guess, its just..

Callie- what

Jude- if you get married you'll move out

Callie- yeah, but we'll find a place nearby and you can come visit, maybe even stay with us some of the nights dad works

Jude- okay

Callie- you better get back to bed now

he nodded and then headed to his room, I was glad he had taken that so well. I knew me getting married and moving out, would be a big adjustment for him too.

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