Decision Time

891 30 4

  Brandon POV

all eyes were on Jude as he stood in front of the judge. Jude turned towards Travis, looking at him for a moment. then turned to look at me and Callie, he then turned back to Travis.

Jude- dad, I love you..

Callie grabbed my hand and squeezed it, bracing herself.

Jude-  I'm sorry.. but I want to live with Callie and Brandon

Callie let out a sigh of relief and started crying, I looked to Travis's face. you could tell he was a little surprised and shocked. 

Judge- well I think Jude has found a place that he feels safe and we shouldn't disrupt that

Travis- wait.. wait Jude, you.. you 

Judge- Mr Jacob..

Travis- no.. no I just need to talk to him.. Jude!

Travis's lawyer was trying to calm him down as he stood up from his seat.

Judge- Mr Jacob..Mr Jac..

Travis- no, they have.. brainwashed him or.. made him hate me

the lawyer grabbed Travis's arm to restrain him from getting up.

Travis- get off of me!

he looked at Jude again and saw the pity in his face. no one said a word, Travis turned and walked out of the courtroom. we all watched him leave, after the door closed Callie rose from the table and hugged Jude. we all smiled, knowing it was over.

Brandon- lets go home

Jude- yeah

Callie- not yet

Brandon- what?

Callie- I think we should go to the hospital first

Brandon- why?

Callie- well.. I'm pretty sure Its time to have this baby

Callie POV

we called the rest of the family on the way to the hospital. they were meeting us there. I was currently in the hospital bed, everyone else in the waiting room. I held Brandon's hand and squeezed it hard. the pain was increasing and the contractions were becoming closer together. the nurse kept coming in and checking me every so often. 

Callie- Brandon

Brandon- yeah?

Callie- are you ready for this?

Brandon- what to have the baby?

Callie- yeah.. I mean do you think were ready to be parents?

Brandon- I think we better be at this point

we both smiled and laughed

Callie- we haven't picked out names or anything yet

Brandon- we can figure it all out

the doctor came in and checked me.

Doctor- okay Callie.. its time to push

I kept gripping Brandon's hand, the pain was intense.

Doctor- one more push and you'll bring your baby into the world

after a minute I heard my baby start to cry. It was over now, I was a mother.

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