Prom Plans

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Callie POV

I was racing around the apartment, getting ready to go dress shopping. I didn't have much money, I didn't want to ask my dad. it killed me to think of wasting money on a prom dress, especially since I didn't even want to go.

Callie- where's my phone, has any one seen it?

Jude- nope

Callie- dad do you know where my phone is?

Travis- just calm down we'll find it

Callie- sorry, I'm just already late

Travis- here it is

Callie- thanks dad

Travis- where are you headed anyways?

Callie- Stef and Lena are taking me and Marianna to get prom dresses

Travis- prom? 

Callie- yep

Travis- can't believe your even old enough

Callie- I have to go

Travis- Callie wait, here take this

he handed me some money

Callie- dad you don't have to do that

Travis- just take it

Callie- thanks dad

I started to leave but then turned taking him off guard and gave him a hug

Brandon POV

I sat in my room practicing, I heard someone come in the room. it was Callie, I stopped playing and turned in my seat.

Brandon- hey, your back

Callie- yep

Brandon- come here

she came over and sat next to me

Brandon- did you find a dress?

Callie- yep

Brandon- great so were all set for prom now

I nodded

Callie- Brandon, would you still go to prom with me even if I didn't get dressed up and..

Brandon- what do you mean?

Callie- like would you still want to go with me if I wore jeans? 

Brandon- jeans? your kidding right

Callie- come on Brandon seriously would you still go with me?

Brandon- of course I would.. your not really gonna do that though, are you?

Callie- forget it!

Brandon- what why are you getting so mad?

Callie- I just.. I don't want to go to prom, you never even asked me if I wanted to go, you just assumed I had to go because were a couple

Brandon- I'm sorry Callie, I didn't know it was so terrible to go to prom with me

Callie- its not.. you don't understand were I'm coming from

Brandon- no I don't

Callie- then you don't understand me

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