Sneaking Around

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Brandon POV

It had been about a month since I came home, Callie and me had been sneaking around together since then. no one suspected not even moms who were moving forward with the adoption. we were being extremely careful but we had come close to being caught a couple times already. my cast was off now so I could get around more easily. since I had be injured Callie had been taking care of me more than she probably should. I flashed back to a moment from a few weeks ago.


I was in my room, propped up on the bed reading.

Callie- here you go  

she handed me a glass of water

Brandon- thanks

Callie- you want anything else?

Brandon- yeah, I want you to sit here with me 

she smiled, closed the door and sat next to me on the bed. I pulled my arm around her and she cuddled up next to me.

Brandon- you don't have to do all this

Callie- what?

Brandon- wait on me hand and foot

Callie- I just wanna take care of you

Brandon- I know but.., just being with you is enough, okay?

Callie- okay

Flashback ended

Callie POV

I was in my room just about to head out the door when Brandon came in shutting the door behind him.

Brandon- hey

Callie- hey, I was just coming to see you

Brandon- yeah

he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into him

Brandon- well I guess we had the same idea huh..

Callie- yeah

Brandon kissed me, the kiss was slow and soft. we were smiling in between our kisses. they there was knock on the door and the door opened. we separated and saw Jude in the doorway.

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