Just A Social Visit

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Callie POV

I was running around cleaning up the house. I still had a pile of homework to do before bed and a bunch of laundry to do. Jude was watching TV and eating a bowl of cereal. 

Callie- Jude, did you do your homework?

Jude- most of it

Callie- its getting late, go do it now 

he reluctantly went to his room to do homework, I started working on the pile of dishes in the sink when I heard a knock on the door. I was curious to who it was, Brandon had practice tonight so he wouldn't be coming over. I went to answer the door and was suprised to see Stef and Lena there, they had never come to visit me before. I always came to their house.

Callie- hey

Lena- hi, can we come in?

Callie- yeah.. sure, come in

Stef- sorry to just drop by like this

Callie- no its fine

Stef- is your dad here?

Callie- aw.. no he works late tonight, Jude's doing homework in his room

they sat down on the couch, I sat down too. I had a feeling they weren't here for just a visit.

Callie- is everything okay?

Lena- yeah.. we just haven't seen you in awhile, we wanted to see how you were doing

Callie- oh.. well I'm fine

Stef- good

Callie- did Brandon say something to you, because he's worried about me for nothing.. really

Stef- are you sure about that?

Callie- yes! what has he been telling you?

Lena- nothing, he was just concerned.. about your dad not being around that much

Stef- does you dad always work late?

Callie- not all the time, but when he dosen't work late he works early in the morning.. so I have to get Jude ready for school

Lena- Callie this way to much for you

Callie- I don't have any other options right now

Stef- of course you do

Callie- what to go back to your house.. that's never going to work

Lena- why not?

Callie- what about me and Brandon? 

they didn't answer, because of what I already knew there was no solution to that

Brandon POV

I had been calling Callie all day and she wasn't picking up, I headed over to the apartment to find out what was going on. I headed up the stairs and knocked on the door. after a few minutes she finally answered.

Brandon- hey

Callie- hi

she left the door open but turned back to what she was doing

Brandon- I've been calling you all day, are you mad at me or something?

Callie- what have you been telling your moms!

Brandon- what?

Callie- your moms came here last night, and they want us to stop living with my dad.. they were talking about calling Bill.. you told them something!

Brandon- I was just worried about you

Callie- I'm fine! 

Brandon- no your not!

Callie- just go.. get out!

Brandon- Callie

when I looked at her something changed in her face. she was breathing heavily, like she couldn't catch her breath.

Brandon- Callie.. what is it?

Callie- somethings wrong

she grabbed my arm for stability, I held onto her trying to get her to sit down. but before I could get her sitting down she passed out, I caught her and moved her over  to the couch.

Brandon- Jude! Jude!

Jude- what happened!

Brandon- I need your help, we need to take her to the hospital

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