Wanting More

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Brandon POV

life at the house since Callie had left was bad, I felt like everyone was blaming me for what happened. moms didn't say anything directly but I could tell they were still angry. I was so desperate to find Callie that I did something bad to try and find her. when Bill came to the house the other day, he was in the kitchen talking to moms about Callie. when no one was around I had looked in his briefcase to try and find answers about Callie. with doing this I did find out where she was, but it didn't really help. I still had no way to contact her, and it's not like I could just show up at the place, but I did find out she was out of juvie staying at a group home. 

Callie POV

after getting out of juvie I was sent to a group home, I had never been in one before but I had heard rumors about how awful they were. from what I could see so far the rumors were true, everyone there was hateful and mean. I also meet a woman there named Rita, she was a counsler for the girls there, I was to meet with her once a week for therepy sessions. when I was being shown around I saw a phone there, my life began to revolve around finding a time to sneak away and use that phone. one day I finally saw my opportunity, and dialed the number. 

Brandon- hello?

Callie- Brandon

Brandon- Callie, oh my God, are you okay?

Callie- yeah I'm fine, I not supposed to be using the phone so I might have to hang up

Brandon- right, I was trying to find out where you were, I wanted to talk to you

Callie- I wanted to talk to you too, how are things there? is Jude okay?

Brandon- he's fine he's worried about you, everyone just really misses you Callie.. I miss you

Callie- do.. do they know about us, why I left

Brandon- yeah.. I had to tell them after you left

Callie- were they mad

Brandon- yeah, Callie I want to see you

Callie- we don't really get to leave the group home much, and when we do its really supervised so..

Brandon- Callie there's something I have to tell you.. I..

Callie- someones coming.. I have to go

I hung up the phone and rushed out of the room, the little bit of time talking with Brandon had just left me wanting more time together.

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