Healing And Recovery

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Brandon POV

It was about a week since I came out of the coma. I was still staying at the hospital for a little while longer, but the doctor said I might get to go home in a few days. when I returned home though I still would have some more healing to do, most of my cuts had healed already but I still had a broken leg and the cast wouldn't come off for months. Callie had been here constantly, which I didn't mind. she came everyday after school and stayed until moms made her go home. when I was in the coma I remembered Callie sitting with me and holding my hand. I also remembered Callie saying some things to me, but I never asked her about them because I wasn't sure if it was me dreaming or if it was real. right now things between me and Callie were good, but I wasn't quite sure what our relationship was. before this had happened Callie didn't want to have a relationship due to the circumstances, but when she visited me in the hospital she was a different person. she kissed and hugged me, held my hand and even would crawl in the bed to sit with me. I had avoided talking to her about our relationship because I didn't want to change how things were, but in the back of my mind I worried she was only doing this because she felt guilty or felt some kind of responsibility to me because of the accident. I planned on talking to her about this when she came today.

Callie- hey

Brandon- hey

she came over and gave me a quick kiss

Brandon- how was your day?

she went to go sit her stuff down

Callie- good,

she came over and sat on the bed facing me

Callie- how are you?

Brandon- good

Callie- what's wrong?

Brandon- nothing

she got closer and put her arms around to the back of my neck

Callie- Brandon, come on, whats going on?

Brandon- what are we doing?

Callie- what?

Brandon- what are we? our relationship

Callie- I don't know, why don't you like this? being together like this

Brandon- you know I do

Callie- then whats the problem?

Brandon- what's gonna happen when I go back home and life is normal again?

Callie- we can figure it out

Brandon- it's just before the accident.. you didn't want us...

Callie- things are different now

Brandon- I know, but..

Callie- look Brandon, this experience has made me realize whats important. we both could have died Brandon and I don't ever want to come that close again without you knowing how much I love you

I leaned forward and kissed her

Brandon- I love you too

Callie- should we tell your moms?

Brandon- it's your call

Callie- not yet

Brandon- okay

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