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Brandon POV

Callie had remained in the hospital for almost two days now. she was stable for now and hadn't had any more contractions but I was still worried. the main thing was to keep her calm, which wasn't an easy task.

Callie- hows Jude? 

Brandon- he's good, moms are taking care of him

Callie- wait! oh my God, arn't we supposed to be in court tomorrow for the custody hearing?

Brandon- yeah but the lawyer is gonna reschedule it, since your in the hospital

Callie- Jude still gets to stay with us though right

Brandon- as far as I know

Callie- well ask the lawyer about that, make sure okay

Brandon- I will, just don't worry about that right now okay.. focus on getting better 

Callie- how can I not worry about that, Jude needs me and I'm lying in a hospital bed.. completely useless

Brandon- Jude is fine, you need to to rest and take care of this baby

Callie- Jude's my baby too

Brandon- I know

Callie POV

I got to go home from the hospital today, I was ready to get back to normal life again. we were back in our apartment again, they had finished all the repair work. Brandon helped me into bed, the doctor said I still needed to stay on bed rest for the next couple weeks. 

Brandon- you okay, need anything?

Callie- no, I'm fine

Brandon- well you better rest for a couple hours before Jude gets home from school

Callie- yeah, hey did the lawyer tell you anything new about the custody hearing?

Brandon- yeah I was actually gonna tell you this later but..

Callie- what is it?

Brandon- well.. the lawyer said we might have a better chance if me and you both applied for custody, instead of just you. he said the judge would look more favoring to two parents than just one and since were married..

Callie- you wanna do that?

Brandon- why not.. I mean if it gives us a better chance..

Callie- I know.. I just.. there's a difference between Jude just living here and you being his legal guardian

Brandon- there's no difference to me

Callie- you sure you want to do this, I mean this is forever

Brandon- it already is forever, this is the family we always wanted.. you, me, Jude..

Callie- and our baby

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