Anxiety Overload

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Brandon POV

Jude- whats wrong with her?

Brandon- I don't know

I picked her up, supporting one arm under her legs and one around her back

Brandon- come on, get the door.. my cars downstairs 

we waited at the hospital for a long time while the doctors examined her, during that time I called her dad at work and let my family know what was going on too. me and Jude sat next to her hospital bed waiting for her to come too.

Callie POV

I slowly opened my eyes, I was in a hospital room. I looked around and saw everyone there, my dad, Brandon, Jude, Stef , and Lena. 

Callie- what.. what happened?

Brandon- you passed out

the doctor came in 

Doctor- your awake, how do you feel?

Callie- okay

Lena- did you get the test results?

Doctor- yes, from what we can tell Callie had an anxiety attack

Travis- anxiety attack?

Doctor- yes, anxiety attacks are caused by a high level of stress.. fear

Travis- but she's okay now

Doctor- yes she'll be fine but Callie needs to take it easy for awhile, rest and relax

Callie- do I have to stay in the hospital?

Doctor- no you can recuperate at home, I'll get your discharge papers ready so you can go home this afternoon

the doctor left the room

Stef- um.. Travis can we talk to you in the hallway 

Stef, Lena, and my dad went into the hallway, I sensed trouble about to explode

Stef POV

Travis- whats going on?

Stef- I just want to let you know we are calling Callie and Jude's social worker about this

Travis- about what?

Stef- Callie has way too much responsibility living in your house, shes only sixteen she shouldn't have to care for her brother 24/7 and practically run that household by herself!

Travis- I don't have a choice, I have to work so I have money to support my kids!

Lena- look maybe its just too much for you take care of them full time, maybe they should come back to live with us and you could have visitation

Travis- no! they are not going back to live with you! 

Stef- Callie is not okay living with you!

Travis- she's fine!

Stef- she's not fine! she's in the hospital!

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