Chances Disintergrating

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Callie POV

we both sat outside Rita's office, waiting for Brandon's parents to come. I had no idea what punishment I would get for this, but I was also worried about Brandon getting in trouble. Stef, Lena, and Mike came in, Rita meet them at the door and motioned them into her office. after awhile they came out and headed towards us, this was the first time I had seen Stef and Lena since I ran away.

Stef- Brandon come on lets go

Brandon got up to leave, turning back to look at me once before disappearing. Stef and Lena didn't say anything to me, just gave me a look of disaproval and concern. after they left with Brandon, Rita told me to come into her office.

Rita- what were you thinking?

Callie- I was thinking I wanted to see Brandon and basically had nothing to lose 

Rita- I thought we were making some real progress in our counsling sessions, and then you go do something like this

Callie- my entire life I have tried to do the right thing and look where its gotten me! 

Rita- I don't know what exactly is going on between you and that boy, but from what I saw it looks like trouble, so you are not going to leave this house anymore, and you are not seeing that boy anytime soon!

Callie- I won't let you take away the only bright spot in my world right now!

Brandon POV

the car ride home was very uncomfortable, the murmurs of diapproval and scolding from my parents filled the air of the car.

Stef- this relationship between you and Callie is a bad idea, there is enough problems to deal with, without adding more complications

Brandon- you don't understand, as long as Callie wants to see me, I'm gonna find a way to see her

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