Right Where You Belong

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Brandon POV

I was still trying to get a grip on reality at this point. my parents were all gathered around

Stef- Brandon, honey do you remember what happened?

Brandon- me and Callie were in the car

Stef- yeah, do you know why your here

Brandon- we crashed, oh my God.. Callie is she okay, where is she?

Stef- shes fine, she was just here

Brandon- I need to see her

Callie POV

I raced back to the hospital, Lena just called with the most amazing news. Brandon was awake and wanted to see me. I meet Brandon's parents outside his room they were talking to the doctor. I went in Brandon's room and walked over to the bed, when I got there he slowly opened his eyes.

Brandon- Callie

I smiled and sat on the side of the bed facing him

Callie- how do you feel?

Brandon- better.. now

Callie- I'm sorry

Brandon- this isn't your fault

I started to cry, I tried to hold it back but I couldn't stop myself any longer

Brandon- what's wrong, why are you crying?

Callie- I'm fine.. I just.. you scared me

Brandon- it's okay, everything's okay now.. come here

I scooted on the bed next to him and laid down, I laid my head down on his chest and he pulled his arm around me. I brought my face up to his and we touched our foreheads together, at that moment I knew this is where I belonged.

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