Worn Out

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Callie POV

It was Saturday, I was rushing around getting ready to go see Brandon. He was coming to pick me up in a few minutes. I looked around the apartment, it was a complete mess. It needed to be cleaned by next weekend for sure, that's when Bill would come to check up on us and see how the living arrangements were. I heard the knock on the door and went to answer it.

Brandon- hey, ready to go?

Callie- yeah, just one minute

Brandon came in a sat down, while I put on my jacket and grabbed my phone

Brandon- are you okay?

Callie- sure, why wouldn't I be?

Brandon- you look tired

Callie- I guess I am a little

I saw when he looked at me he saw how worn out I really was

Brandon- we don't have to go out today

Callie- no, its so hard for us to find time as it is

Brandon- Callie your exhausted

Callie- I'm okay, now come on lets go

I grabbed his hand and pulled him out the door

Brandon POV

the date had been amazing, we had a picnic and took a walk in the park. when we were walking I slipped my hand into hers. she ended up falling asleep on the car ride home though and I had to gently wake her with a  kiss on the forehead. when I got home after me and Callie's date, I ran into my moms in the kitchen. 

Stef- hi honey, have a good time?

Brandon- yeah 

Lena- hows Callie we haven't seen her in awhile

Brandon- shes fine, I guess

Stef- what do you mean.. is something wrong?

Brandon- no.. its probably nothing

Lena- what?

Brandon- she just seems really tired lately

Stef- tired, why would she be tired?

Brandon- her dad had to get a second job to pay the bills and he.. kind of works late most nights so she gets stuck watching Jude and taking care of stuff around the house

Lena- really?

Brandon- she says shes okay, but I don't know

Stef- maybe we should call Bill

Brandon- no! she would be furious if she found out I even told you about this

Lena- if you really think there's something wrong

Brandon- I don't know anything for sure

Stef- we won't say anything right now, but were gonna look into this

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