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Brandon POV

we headed up the familiar steps to the front porch, mom saw us coming and opened the door for us.

Stef- come.. come in

mom and Lena were up and waiting for us in the foyer

Lena- hey, you guys doing okay?

Callie- yeah were fine, just a little shaken

Stef- we straightened up Brandon's room for you and put a cot in there

Callie- thank you, I'm take Jude up to bed

Callie POV

I tucked Jude in, I knew he felt safe here because he feel asleep almost immediately. after he feel asleep I headed back downstairs and found Brandon talking with Stef and Lena in the kitchen. 

Brandon- is he okay?

Callie- yeah.. he went to sleep right away, Lena I don't think he'll be at school tomorrow.. he only has a couple hours of sleep to go on..

Lena- of course

Brandon- we can find a hotel to stay at in the morning

Stef- nonsense, you can stay here

Callie- it might be a few days till the door gets fixed

Stef- that's fine.. the house has been feeling kind of empty lately anyways with just Marianna and Jesus here

Callie- well thank you

Lena- so Travis is in jail now?

Brandon- yeah, but it dosen't sound like he'll stay there very long

Brandon POV

a few days later Jude's social worker came by the house to talk to us.

Social Worker- Travis is currently out of prison and in a rehab program, that in five months he should be able to care for Jude again

Callie- I can't send him back there, Jude's afraid

Social Worker- you don't have a choice, Travis is Jude's legal guardian

Callie- then how do I become Jude's legal guardian, I'm his sister don't I have..

Social Worker- yes you do but.. this is a battle you would have to fight in court.. Jude's fourteen, he would most likely age out of the system before the case was even settled

Brandon- we can't send him back there to suffer for four years

Social Worker- you have the right to go to court but I recommend you don't.. ultimately its your decision

Callie- lets go to court

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