Ending Before It Begins

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Callie POV

my stomach was in a knot, I was meeting Brandon today. he had no idea I what I was about to tell him. I had already talked to Stef and Lena yesterday, they were happy to here about my descision. I tried to be just as happy, but I just couldn't no matter how hard I tried. I was waiting outside the group home for him to come, he pulled up and got out of the car.

Brandon- hey

he walked towards me all smiles, oh my God I can't take this.

Callie- hey

he gave me a hug, I hugged him back but a little reluctantly. 

Brandon- so what do you want to do today, we could go somewhere or..

Callie- actually.. I need to talk to you about something

Brandon- okay, what is it?

Callie- I'm coming back to live at your house again

Brandon- you are? how? I don't understand

Callie- I'm coming back and were moving forward with the adoption, which means you and me can't..

Brandon- no, why are you doing this? I thought you wanted us..

Callie- I do want that, but..

Brandon- their making you do this, their forcing you into this

Callie- no their not this is my descision 

Brandon- why!

Callie- Brandon, when its just you and me it's great.. but its never gonna be just you and me, its always gonna be you and me and Jude and your moms and.. It just dosen't work like that

Brandon- your not even giving us a chance to try it

Callie- if I take this chance with you now, the chance to have a life with your family might be gone in a few months

Brandon- don't you think this is a conversation we should have way down the road after..

Callie- no, because down the road I'm gonna be in love with you... and then this will just be harder then it already is

Brandon- I don't wanna lose you

Callie- this is just how it has to be right now, things just have to go back to how they were before any of this happened

Brandon- I can't do that Callie! 

Callie- I'm so sorry, look I'm not saying never, but now is just not the time for us to be together.. maybe in the future..

Brandon- in the future the adoption will be final! and you'll be my sister, there is no chance for us after that happens Callie

Callie- I'm sorry, but I'm doing this

Brandon POV

Callie gave me a kiss on the cheek and then turned and headed back into the group home. I felt angry and sad, I didn't know how to get through this. It would be especially hard seeing her everyday and knowing it was over. I never had gotten the chance to tell her I loved her, but after finding out today she didn't love me back.. I was glad I hadn't wasted my breath.

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