Awakend In The Night

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Brandon POV

me and Jude were heading over to Travis's apartment the next day. we were just getting Jude's stuff then leaving. Callie insisted on going to but after hours of arguing she reluctantly agreed to stay behind. Jude was a little scared to go but I reassured him everything would be okay. I knocked on the apartment door after a few minutes Travis finally answered. I could tell he was in the middle on a hangover from whatever happened last night.

Brandon- Jude go get your stuff

Jude headed to his room, leaving me and Travis alone

Travis- Callie didn't come?

Brandon- she wanted to but.. I thought it was better if she stayed home, alot of stress isn't really good for the baby

Travis- yeah you guys are having your own kid so.. why you trying to steal mine

Brandon- were not stealing Jude, were trying to do whats best for him

Travis- he needs to be here with his father!

Brandon- look around! he is not safe here

Travis- yes he is!

Brandon- well he dosen't feel safe

Jude reappeared

Brandon- hey bud.. you ready

Jude- yeah

Travis- don't worry Jude you'll be home real soon okay

Jude didn't answer

Brandon- lets go

Callie POV

I was peacefully sleeping having a wonderful dream, cuddled up against Brandon, my arm crossing over his chest.

Jude- Callie! Brandon! wake up!

Callie- Jude what's wrong?

Brandon was slightly awake and rolled over on his side

Jude- I heard a noise

Callie- sweetie it was probably just the wind outside

Jude- no it was a pounding noise, outside the door

Callie- Brandon! did you hear him

Brandon- what?

Callie- there's a pounding outside the apartment door

Brandon sat up, alert now

Brandon- here Jude stay here, I'll see what it is

Brandon left and Jude crawled into the bed with me. I tucked Jude into bed and reasurred him, he seemed really scared. 

Brandon- Callie!

I leaped out of bed and headed out to him

Callie- Jude stay here!

when I got out to the living room, I saw Brandon looking at the front door.

Callie- what is it?

Brandon- listen

we stood there and listened, on the other side of the door we could here mumbling and pounding against the door.

Brandon- it's your dad, he's drunk

Callie- I'm calling the police

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