Always Something In The Way

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Callie POV

I stood out front of the group home, waiting like a child for Christmas to come. then it came, the car pulled up. I nearly jumped from the ground.

Brandon- hey, you waiting for someone

Callie- no one special

we both smile, then he comes over and we hug. 

Brandon- oh.. I missed you so much

no this was not a dream, Brandon was really here holding me in his arms. Its amazing how we got to this point, we had been smuggling letters back and forth for a couple weeks when finally I was off of house arrest and allowed to come an go with restrictions of course. Brandon still wasn't allowed to be spending time with me, but he would sneak away to be with me anyways. the first time we saw each other again was last week, we didn't go far just a few minutes away from the group home to talk. it was so incredible to just be together like we were a normal couple just hanging out with no restrictions or complications. the best part of the day was the last moment together before saying goodbye, I flashed back to it as we hugged.


Brandon had been calm and relaxed the entire day, but now when he talked to me he tripped over his words and seemed nervous for some reason.

Callie- do you think you can come back next week?

Brandon- I'll try, actually.. I.. I.. was thinking maybe we could go.. on a.. real... um..

Callie- go on a date

Brandon- yeah.. I .. mean if you.. you want too, if you just want to hang out like today.. thats fine too, I was just..

Callie- yes

Brandon- yeah

Callie- yeah

Flashback Ended

we ended our hug

Brandon- come on, I have something planned for us

he took my hand and lead me to the car we got in and headed to the destination, I was excited anticipating what it might be the whole way. we arrived at a park nearby, it was a beautiful day full of sunshine and a nice breeze. Brandon nearly leaped out of the car and headed over to my side as I was opening my door and getting out.

Callie- okay so what are we doing here?

Brandon- you'll see

we started to head towards the trees when Brandon's phone rang.

Brandon- its moms, I better answer they think I'm at a friends house

Callie- it's okay go ahead

Brandon answered the call its started out normal, but from what I could hear the call turned into something bad. his facial expression dropped, I could tell something was wrong. then he ended the call.

Callie- Brandon, what's wrong?

Brandon- um.. my mom's dad, my grandfather

Callie- yeah

Brandon- he a.. he died

Callie- oh my God, Brandon I'm so sorry

I put my hand on his shoulder, trying to comfort him and pulled him into a hug.

Brandon- I'm sorry, I have to get home

Callie- right, I understand

we got back into the car and Brandon dropped me off at the group home before heading home. I just couldn't believe how this day had started so good and ended so bad. 

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