Needed Reassurance

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Callie POV

Jude just stood in the doorway, he gave no facial expression. I wasn't sure if he had seen or not, we were just frozen not saying anything. then Jude turned and walked away, I followed him into his room. Brandon followed too. I slowly opened his door, he was just sitting on his bed staring across the room.

Callie- Jude

he didn't answer, I went over and sat next to him on the bed. Brandon sat on the other side of him.

Callie- Jude.. I..

Jude- what's going on, you said you guys were done

Callie- I know, we.. we tried to end it but..

Brandon- its not that simple

Jude- I thought you wanted to be adopted, for us to have a home

Callie- I do want that.. for you, but not for me

Brandon- Jude, we didn't do any of this to hurt you

Callie- look were going to tell Stef and Lena soon, but for now you have to keep this a secret

Jude- when they find out they'll send you away.. they'll send you away and you'll leave me here

Callie- oh.. Jude

Brandon- thats not gonna happen okay, I won't let anything happen to either of you

Callie- everythings gonna be okay

I hugged Jude and Brandon put his hand on Jude's shoulder. hoping silently to myself everything would be alright.

Brandon POV

me and Callie walked out of Jude's room.

Callie- he won't say anything

Brandon- I know

Callie- I feel bad, making him keep this, its to much pressure on him. he shouldn't have to worry about getting kicked out or whats going to happen to me

Brandon- nobody's getting kicked out, you and Jude are both staying right here

Callie- I don't see how that's gonna work, your moms are cool but not that cool

Brandon- don't worry if it comes to that, I know a way you guys can still stay here and we can be together

Callie- how?

Brandon- I'm not gonna tell you until it happens

Callie- Brandon!

Brandon- I don't want you to worry about it right now, just know I will make sure you guys are safe

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