Chapter 1 - The Fall

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Hi Humans, if this is a story you are interested in reading, please consider reading the rewrite, Fallen Renegade. I wrote this story as a bit of fun but there is not much plot and the story jumps around a fair bit. I had no idea what I was doing so apologies there. I was also very young so please forgive the cringe worthy stuff. The rewrite is very different and actually follows a plot, so yay. If you want to read this one as well it will not spoil the ending for Fallen Renegade so don't worry. Thanks and be good humans, read on!

Note: in this story Dick is 7 when his parents die and Sky is 5.

Chapter 1 - the Fall

Dick's P.O.V

There was an hour until the show starts and it was my sister's first time performing without a net. We were just running around outside practicing our flips.

"Dickie are we performing before or after the trapeze act?" Sky asked me.

"We're going first, then half way through we get to fly with Mama and Tata (Mom and Dad)" I explained to Skyla.


Sky and I had just finished climbing the ladder to the top of the trapeze as we wait for Jack Haley to introduce us.

"Surioară, (sister) look Mama and Tata are down there" I said, pointing to our parents as we both wave down at them.

"Now our second act, the youngest members of our circus Dick and Sky Grayson!" Jack announced over the speaker as I prepared to jump off.

"And Seth, have fun." I said to Sky.

"You too Robin, now go fly!" she said playfully shoving my back. As I dove through the air I felt a sense of freedom, before my hands made contact with the first bar. I could hear Sky's laughter as she jumped off behind me. I leaped to the next bar, facing the other way hanging from my legs so I could catch her. We performed many more flips and turns before we finished on the opposite platform to where we started. The crowd roared with applause as we made our decent down the ladder and ran towards our parents.

~Later through the show~

"Ladies and Gentleman, Boys and Girls, Children of all ages, I present to you, the Fearless Flying Grayson's, as always, performing their daring feet, Without the safety of a net! And now the youngest members of this amazing family!" Jack announced as our parent's flew off. They did flips and turns as if they were flying through the air. Sky is getting ready to jump into Mamă's hands but I heard a rattling sound and looked up.

"Sky!" I screamed as she noticed, too late, and had already started to jump. "Nu! {no}

My mother called out to us. "Sky, Dick." as she falls.

Sky's P.O.V

I could hear Dick scream my name as I prepared to jump into my parents waiting hands, only to see terror on their faces. 'I'm going to die with my parents.' I begin to think, but I could feel a firm grip on my hand. As Dick pulled me back onto the platform I turned around just in time to see my parents hit the ground with a sicking CRACK!

People were running everywhere screaming. I could feel my brother's arms wrap around me and I buried my face in his chest. We finally made our way over to our broken parent's bodies. Their arms and legs bent at odd angles and their skulls bashed in with pools of blood surrounding them. I couldn't, I just couldn't stand seeing them like this. I ran outside a back entrance and climb up a tall tree (20 meters/ 76 feet) and sob. 'Why did this have to happen?' I asked myself 'It's just not fair.

After a while a man walked up to the bottom of the tree and asked me to come down, so I did. I guessed he could see the tears on my face as he asked;

"Where are your parents little one?" I couldn't even lift my head to look at him, my parent's deaths were still so raw inside my mind. I just pointed up and the man smirked at me and said:

"Come with me, I will train you to be strong. You will make an excellent apprentice." He held out his hand and I made the first mistake of my life, I took it.

"My name is Slade Wilson but unless we are in public you will call me Death Stroke or Master." We were walking through the forest when Slade asked me why I hadn't spoken, and I made a split-second decision. I knelt down and wrote in the dirt "Mute." And Slade seemed way too happy at this information and said

"This will make things easier."

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