Chapter 11 - Water Wars

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{So, I realized that I never described what Sky looked like so... Sky has Long, Thick, Wavy, Black hair, that comes down to her hip, [had a side fringe, but it has grown out] Tan Skin. Sky blue Eyes.}

Green Arrow P.O.V

My Blood boiled. How could anyone do something, so evil to a kid, a mere child! And to think that she has gone through this since she was 5, and now she is 7! I can tell everyone else in the league and the 2 kids are very disturbed at what she has gone through.

Black Canary P.O.V

How dare he abduct a child, moments after she saw her parents horrifically murdered before her eyes, and then train her to steel and to kill. He WILL PAY!

In the Bat-Cave

Barbara Gordon P.O.V

I'm wearing a dress with a one-piece swim suit on underneath, why? I don't know. I just got a text from Bruce to come to the manor in swimmers and bring my costume.

"Miss Barbara, they are downstairs waiting for you." Alfred said to me as he leads me to the entrance to the Bat-cave.

"Ok, so tell me why exactly, am I-" Dick and some other kid, are swimming in the lake at the bottom of the Bat-cave. Their laughter echoing off the walls of the cave. (Where batman enters with Tim drake after saving him from 2-Face. That Lake.)

"Hey, Bruce

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"Hey, Bruce. Who's the kid?" I asked as I walked over to the bat-computer.

"Skylaina Faith Grayson, Dick's sister. She was abducted immediately after their parent's murder. Watch this, it explains everything."

It's a video of Sky explaining her past to the entire JLA and their 'kids.'

"Poor girl. So why am I here, exactly?"

"During the 2 years of her absence, she was trained by everyone that had her 'hostage'. She will be joining Batman, Robin and Bat-girl on patrols and training - as Seth. So I figured that you should get to know her, hence the swimmers."

"Yea, ok. Wait, so she, is why I haven't seen Dick at school or at night for 5 days?"

"Erm, yes."

"You do know that you have a huge pool upstairs, right?"

"Yes, I do Barbara. But only the JLA knows about her for now. So best to keep her down here until we have a 'plan and cover story' for how we 'found' her. Besides the lake is WAY bigger, and deeper.

"Ok then."

"Come on, I'll introduce you guys. Just know that she has trust issues and will be wary of you, but she will open up eventually."

"Dick, Sky! Come over here. This is Bat-girl. She goes out on patrol and trains with us. Have fun!"

"Hi, I'm Barbara Gordon-"

"The Commiss's kid?"

"Yes." I reply, laughing – that's what Robin said when he found out. As I take my dress off and dive into the lake.

We spent 3 hour playing and mucking around in the water and got to know each other a whole lot better, and eventually, Sky opened up.

We played this one game 'Ruler of the Rock'. Basically there's a big piece of land in the lake, we all start at different spots around the lake and race to the 'island'. First one there has to stay there, pushing the other 2 off. And that's pretty much it.

Another thin we did was 'Water Wars' Sky won that one. Basically and war, in the water. That's it.

And the last one we did was a kind of 'target practise' game, in the water, with Bat-a-rangs. Yea sounds dangerous, well, it is. Sky also won this, but I can see why, with her past and all. So basically we were in the water, so we couldn't touch. We each had 50 Bat-a-rangs in a bag floating next to us, that we had to throw at a target, but we had to jump off the bottom and then throw, while moving. And every time you missed the bull's eye, a letter was added, and the first person to spell B, A, T, -, A, -, R, A, N, G, lost. I lost. Another thing I noticed about Sky, she's left handed, but she sued both hands. And she got all 50 Bat-a-rangs in the dead centre.

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