Chapter 28 - Taken 6.0

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Chapter 28 - Taken 6.0

OK I know that the last chapter ending was cheese and I'm really sorry that I haven't updated in a while so...

Dick P.O.V

"Bruce?" I asked my guardian as I looked at my sister.

"What's up buddy?" He asked me while keeping his eyes on the road.

"Can we have Sky brake from patrol tonight?"


"She kinda fell asleep leaning against the car door." I said slightly concerned for my sister. She hasn't been sleeping well lately and I'm worried about her.

Bruce spared a glance at me and Sky sitting in the passenger seat. Sky was closest to the car door and I was on her left (right for Australians)

"She looks exhausted, all the people must have freaked her out... it takes a lot of energy to pretend that you are alright... She'll be ok, Sky just needs a long night-terror free sleep.

When we got home, it was 19:40. (7:40) I couldn't get out of the car without waking up my sister, so I waited for Bruce to come around to our door. He opened it and picked up Skyla bridal style and I climbed out after. Bruce and I walked silently up to Sky's room and when we got there I went to her wardrobe and pulled out some of my older P.J's that fitted her somewhat ok. I gave them to Bruce - who then got her changed while I got her bed ready. We put her to bed, said goodnight and walked out of the room.

"Are you hungry Dick?" Bruce asked me as we walked to the kitchen.


"Alfred left some food in the fridge... Spaghetti or Bubble-n-squeak?"

"Bubble-n-squeak!" I said excitedly. For those who don't know what "Bubble-n-squeak" is, it is when you have a roast for dinner, and there are leftovers, the leftovers are then put together in 1 pan and it tastes so much better than the original roast. We heated our bowls up in the microwave and sat down at the kitchen bench together to eat.

"So Dick, how did you feel performing tonight?" Bruce asked me after several minutes of silence.

"It felt so amazing! Flying felt so wonderful. I forgot how much I missed it - performing I mean." I didn't know how else to describe how amazing it feels to fly. Like, when we go patrolling I use the grappling hook and that is kinda like using a trapeze... but it's not the same.

Bruce is great, he always tries his best to understand me, and in many ways, he's done a great job. But the one thing that he will never understand about me - the circus and what it did for me. Growing up in the circus made me see things differently than others. To me, Family is the people who you love, who love you back, stand up for you and will do anything for you. The circus is my family, yea I had Mămică and Tată and Skyla, but the rest of the circus was also family. For me, family isn't made by blood, but by the bond of love shared among a group of people, they were home. "Home is a place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in." And we were - and still are - always welcome. Because of this, I dont find it too dificult to see Bruce as family - equal to my Mămică and Tată and Skyla - no a second family. But I'm worried that he doesn't see me as family. I can't stand to loose him too.

"Are you ready to go on patrol Bird-Boy?" Bruce asked with a smirk.

"Totally B-Man. It's going to be super Asterous!" I said excitedly.

"And why is that?"

"Because, I'm Turbed." I said in a sorta 'duh' voice.

"You and your words, are you sure that you're not a squirrel?" He asked amused.

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