Chapter 17 - Little White Lie - Dedicated to @tapangawentz

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Chapter 17 – A Little White Lie and a Well Hidden Truth – Dedicated to @tapangawentz


"Oh don't worry Batsy, we were just helping her out of a tight spot." He turned to me. "If you ever need us, just call, we'll find you." I nodded my head in thanks. Harley hugged me, as did Joker. "Or if you just want something fun to do, just give uncle J a call, ok kiddie-o." and with that Joker and Harley drove off, leaving a dumb-struck Robin.

"Are you ok?" I didn't do anything. If I act like I know him, an onlooker may get suspicious, best to remain silent.

"well take her to her to Commissioner Gordon, Batman. He'll take it from there." Robin said, his voice laced with sadness that he had to pretend not to know me. *

Batman P.O.V

Sky passed out in the car, she looks so peace full like that, and not like some unfortunate child that will never be the same again and most likely have PTSD after everything she has gone through.

When Robin and I entered Commissioner Gordon's office, the look on his face was priceless as he saw a small girl, asleep in my arms.

"We found her on the streets Gordon. Covered in injuries, scars and bruises, some old as 2 years, some as new as 9 days. She's obviously been starved and kept out of the sun within the past 2 years cause of how thin and pale she is."

"Do you know how old she is, or who she is?" Jim asked with concern.

"My best guess is an under-developed 7-year-old, and I have a hunch of who she is."

"What! How? Who?" Gordon pressed.

"Robin, patrol. I'll take care of this."

"Ok! See ya later Bats! Bye Gordon!" Robin yelled as he jumped out of the window.

'I really need to stop giving him so much sugar.'

"The Grayson girl, who disappeared after her parents' murder, just over 23 months ago. This could be her, after all, her oldest scars are roughly 2-years-old. Also she looks just like Rickard – accept a girl."

Gordon rummaged through his old files for a minute before,

"Here it is. Missing child: Skylaina Faith Mary Grayson – daughter of Johnathan Grayson – Deceased, and Mary Grayson also Deceased. Brother: Richard Tidal Jonathan Grayson. Here. The photo looks just like her, but older." Jim finished as he handed me the photo.

'well I already knew all of that.'

Just then Sky rolled off the couch, backing into the wall – crying? I start towards her but she only cowers back in fear – real fear not acting, I can see it in her eyes – yet still not making a sound, courtesy of the monsters that did this to her.

"Hey, hey, Hei. Tu ești în regulă, nu ești acolo, bine? Am nevoie de tine să-mi amintesc unde suntem. Just calm down, you're safe here, I promise.

[Hey. You're alright, you're not there, ok? I need you to remember where we are.]

The next thing that Sky did surprised me so much, She...

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