Chapter 15 - Faze 1 - Operation 'Find a Bat

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Sky P.O.V

Gotham City 10:03pm

It was a simple plan, but nothing ever stays that way – as I figured out long ago. Basically I'm just gonna wonder around and get into a bit of trouble, Bats will 'find' and save me. I say 'find' because he just put a tracker on me as a safety precaution or something.

I've managed to wonder into some pretty bad parts of Gotham, but hey, if it gets me found faster, then I'm all in.

"Hey Kid, come here." Some creep called out from across the street.

'Don't respond' I keep reminding myself, I'm mute –Sky is anyway. But I probably wouldn't make a noise anyhow, old habits die hard I guess. Besides, Robin is keeping an eye on me, and if I need help he'll be there for me, he promised.

I just shake my head and walk off – a little faster than normal. But the creep just keeps coming.

'Seriously man, just leave me alone, I don't have time for you. As I start to run, he follows – getting faster by the second. You see, I could easily outrun him, using all my training and maybe a bit of cheating from Cadmus, their testing on me gave me higher than normal speed, agility and strength – but not by much, perhaps just a few years above my year level. And add that with all my training, let's just say that I could out-run this guy in my sleep with my feet tied together.

"Come back here you little Brat!" the guy yells after me.

'Technically, I'm a BAT, not a brat. I've never been a bratty kid and I never intend on being one.

BANG! 'ow what was THAT!' I mentally ask myself, and naturally, there is no response.

"And what do we have here?" a strange high-pitched voice said - no laughed? As I look up I see none other than the Joker.

"Aw, puddin' look. It's a little kid. Can we keep her, she's so cute!" Jokers insane girlfriend asked.

'Ok. Hold on. WHAT!? I'm not 'cute' and also 'keep me' why? Wha-'

"Sorry 'bout this kiddie-o but..." I never heard Joker finish because they knocked me out with gas an-Zzz...

Time Skip – 10:47pm

'What ha-pend? Oh right, bat-napped by the Joker and his insane girlfriend – Harley Quinn. Great. Just. Great! Now what? Oh yea, the button that Bats gave me that I'm supposed to press when I'm ready to be saved by Bats. But I can't reach it. Perfect. Just what I need. More problems.

"Oh Puddin' she's awake!" 'Gods help me.'

"So, what's your name kiddie-o, I haven't seen ya 'round here before?"

Naturally – I scream 'Blue, Fluffy, Elephants!' And then run away – na' not really, I don't say anything, but I'm sure thinking it.

"Not talking hum? Well, we can fix that." At Jokers menacing words, I cower back in fear. Renegade might be a trained mercenary-assassin, but Sky Grayson is just a traumatized, scared, little kid.

"Mista J. stop! Your scaring the little one, can't you see?"

"Ok Harls, you talk to her then, and make her laugh."

"Hiya kiddie I'm Harley Quinn and that over there is Mista Joker. What's your name?" Her voice was sweet, but so was Death-Strokes and all the others after him –excluding Thalia- 'and look how that turned out!' (Muddle Earth any one, it's one of my Favorite book series. SHUT Up VERONICA –Randalf)

I just shook my head, I'm still a mute.

"Don't ya' talk kiddie? Don't worry, that's not a problem."

BANG! BANG!! BANG!!! And the door flew open.

"Where's the little brat Joker. I'm gonna kill her!" It's 2-Face. Ok so I may have messed with him after bats dropped me off at 9:00pm, so what? I got bored.

"You'll leave her ALONE!" it's Harley, swinging her hammer around like a mad-man.

"You stay behind uncle J alright?" the Joker asked me as he untied me, ok this day just keeps getting weirder.

The next few minutes were a blur. Joker and Harley beat up 2-Face and his goons – protecting me – stashed me into their car and drove off.

Just as we are getting out,

"Joker, leave the kid alone." Batman's monotone voice came from behind.

"Oh don't worry Batsy, we were just helping her out of a tight spot." He turned to me. "If you ever need us, just call, we'll find you." I nodded my head in thanks. Harley hugged me, as did Joker. "Or if you just want something fun to do, just give uncle J a call, ok kiddie-o. and remember 'We're only 1 call away.'" and with that Joker and Harley drove off, leaving a dumb-struck Robin.

"Are you ok?" I didn't do anything. If I act like I know him, an onlooker may get suspicious, best to remain silent.

"well take her to her to Commissioner Gordon, Batman. He'll take it from there." Robin said, his voice laced with sadness that he had to pretend not to know me.

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