Chapter 18 - Canary Cry - Dedicated to SuperFangirlOrNah

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Batman P.O.V

The next thing that Sky did surprised me so much, she...

She latched herself onto me, holding on for dear life. So I picked her up Kola-style and walked back over to Gordon.

"Don't you worry child, I've got you, and Slade or anyone else will never touch you again. I promise." i whispered into Sky's ear so Gordon wouldn't hear.

"Who did this to you Kid?" Gordon asked.

"She won't respond" I told him. "She's Electively Mute. I saw a child a few years ago, she wouldn't speak because she was too afraid that her master hurt her, he abducted and trained her as his Assassin. No doubt that it has been drilled into Skylaina that if she speaks she will be punished"

"wait, that "little threat" a while ago, was an abducted kid?"

"Yes. I'll take her with me, find out who did this and when I'm done, taker her to her brother."

"Don't scare her, maybe someone else that isn't as frightening from the Justice League should be there."

"Don't worry Commissioner, I have that handled. Just keep the press off this case."

"Alright, I won't tell anyone, at least until things are sorted out. And make sure Wayne keeps her inside for a bit, people might scare her."

"Goodnight Commissioner. Robin meet me at the cave."

Time Skip - in the Bat-Cave

Black Canary P.O.V

I got an emergency from Batman 3 minutes ago to meet him in the Bat-Cave, which is strange because is very protective of meat's in his city.

"Batman I-" he got out of his car, with a child in his arms.

"Hiya BC" Robin called as he did a back-hand-spring of my shoulders from Bats knows where.

"Hello Robin." I said while chuckling. For such a scary kid in the field, he's so child-like, then again he is only 11.

"Batman, is that Skyla?"

"Yes. We needed a way to 'bring her back into society' so we staged a rescue, brought her to Commissioner Gordon, 'figured out' who she is and then I'll take her to Wayne when I'm done"

"Ok, but why do you need me?"

This time Robin spoke, "Seth is trying to talk normally but Sky, can't. it's like they are 2 different people and Sky is scared to talk from the past 2 years. I told Gordon that he'd get a JLA member to help her with that and act as councillor for her so..."

"That's where you come in. But Sky really is terrified of talking, she's fine as Seth, but when the mask comes off..."

"I think that she sees Seth as a Super-Hero trained by Batman and Sky as, well, a traumatized little girl." Robin finished.

'It's so creepy how they can finish each other's sentences like they can read one-another's minds. The JLA call it Bat-Talk, only spoken by the Bat-Clan.

"Mmm, Bruce?"

"Yes Sky."

What's the time?"

"11:30, Why?"

"Can Dick and I go out tonight?"

"I don't think that's a good Idea."


"Because I'm staying here and I don't want you out there alone."

"But Bruce, I've had more training than Dick and he gets to go out alone. Plus, I won't be alone, I'll be with Robin."

"Still I don't thin-"

"Come on Bruce, I've been going out for 13 nights already, I'll be fine."


"Yes! Thankyou!"



"You're in charge.


  This is how I imagine Seth's costume - Read the WRITING carefully

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This is how I imagine Seth's costume - Read the WRITING carefully

When I say Imagine the red as Blue, its the colour or the blue writing.

Then have SHORT sleeves in RED

This was my very lazy attempt at Seth's costume using a robin template

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This was my very lazy attempt at Seth's costume using a robin template. - Without the HOOD - 

"Bruce?" This time I (Black Canary) spoke.


"You knew about Sky before you brought her to the watch tower didn't you."


"I don't Believe you. I'm going back to the watch-tower, Bye Bruce."

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