Chapter 21 - Terrors in the Night

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So today { not anymore } is my 1 year anniversary on WattPad, YAY! Wow the time has gone so fast.

Thank you all so much for reading, voting, commenting and making my life awesome.

Thanks to all my followers and people I follow, I love you all.

And as a gift to all you amazing people I'm updating all 3 of my stories!!!


Special thanks to @ezraismybae @GraceBeard @MolMcN @Bluewind1 and @MoonWolf2002 Those people are Amazing, they have all helped me in different ways, Inspiration, Help and Encouragement so THANK YOU guys!

Chapter 21 - Terrors in the Night

Bruce P.O.V

Screams. That's what woke me up. I checked my alarm clock. 04:17 That meant that we'v only been home for just around an hour.

"Aaaaahhhhh!" Another scream got my adrenaline running. I heard another pained yell coming from Dick's room.

"Dick." I called out as I ran to his room. When I got there at first I was relieved that no-one was in the room besides us, then my worry kicked in once again as I ran over to my young Ward's bed.

"C'mon Dick, wake up. It isn't real. Please Dickie, wake up!" I said franticly to my ward as he didn't wake up. I was shaking his small frame in an attempted to wake him up, but to little avail.

Dick's screams turned into cries of pain and whimpering as he started to twist and writhe as if in fain under my grip. At that moment I didn't think about my next actions, I pulled my young son into a protective hug while stroking his raven hair and whispering into his ear.

Eventually Dick came around. "It's ok DickBird, it was just a dream."

"I-it was s-soo r-real." Dick stuttered out. "Th-they had you, and Alfe a-and Sky. T-They were hurting you, they k-killed y-you guys, r-right in-front of m-me a-and made m-me watch, just like Mamă and Tată. {Mother and Father}

"Oh Dickie, it's ok, nothing happened alright? I'm right here son, I've got you, and I'm never letting go."

"Mulțumesc... Tătic." {Thank you... Daddy} His words were quiet, but I still herd them.

"Esti cel mai bun venit Fiul meu" {You're most welcome my Son} Any we stayed like that until we heard a smashing sound coming from the room next door.

Fearing the worst, We ran to Sky's room... only to find her in a similar position to how I had found my son earlier - accept no sound was coming out of her mouth.

Dick P.O.V

When we ran into my Soră {Sisters} room, I was worried. With the amount of tear stains on Sky's pillow, she had to have been silently crying for a least half an hour.

Sky had smashed her hand on the lamp - shattering it - as well as the bed-head.

Bruce was trying to shake her awake when I noticed...

"Tătic, {Daddy} she has fractured her hand, and has glass sticking out of it - no doubt from the now smashed light-bulb."

Sky had started to shake uncontrollably as if she was having a fit. I freaked out.

Bruce stopped shaking my Soră {Sister} and hugged her tight into his chest - exactly how I had woken up 15 minutes ago. Suddenly my Soră eyes flew open, revealing her Sapphire Sky blue eyes, shinning in the dark room - darting around everywhere, taking in her surroundings. When Sky realised that she was safe, she melted into Bruce's arms. I sat next to her with my hand on her leg comforting her, letting her know that i was here.

"What happened Sky?" Bruce asked in a quiet voice.

"..." No response.

"Fiu, Fiică, come here. {Son, Daughter,} Bruce said as he re-adjusted Sky on his lap and pulled me in as well and held us both close to his chest.

"Te-am prins acum. Ești în siguranță acum, îți promit. Nu voi lăsa pe nimeni să te rănească vreodată." {I've got you now. You're safe now, I promise. I won't let anyone hurt you ever again.}

"Don't leave us Tătic, {Daddy} please." Came a small whimper from my sister.

"Nu. Eu nu te voi abandona 2, îți promit. Niciodată de alegere. Singurul mod în care v-ar părăsi vreodată, este dacă voi muri. Și chiar dacă o fac, voi niciodată nu te las cu adevărat. Te iubesc prea mult pentru asta." {Never. I will never abandon you 2, I promise. Never by choice. The only way I would ever leave you, is if I die. And even if I do, I will never truly leave you. I love you to much for that.}

I shared a look with my little Soră {Sister} "We love you to Tătic." {Daddy} And with that Sky fell asleep in our Dad's arms.

"I bet her Night terror was about her time at Cadmus. With the way she was moving around, in obvious pain but not moving as if being kicked or stabbed. Sky told me that some of the Experiments were... painful." Bruce ruffled my hair and placed a kiss on-top of my head.

"We'll worry about that latter Dickie, for now, we sleep.

With that Bruce picked us both up and carried us down the hall to his room, placed Sky in the - very large - bed and climbed in himself while still holding onto me and placed me on the opposite side of him to Sky.

"Goodnight Tătic." {Daddy}

"Good night my Little Fiu." {Son} He said as he wrapped an arm around me, and the other around Sky.

With that I drifter of into a peaceful sleep in the warm embrace of my new Father.

And sorry to my Romanian Best-Bro-Friend {Yes I'm talking to you Mareei - not his real name btw} if the translations are not 100% correct, but I'm not the best at spelling in yet, so I used Google Translate for the long passages. - Sorry Mareei!

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