Chapter 22 - The Astrous 5: Part 2 - A new Dawn.

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Chapter 22 - - The Astrous 5 - Dedicated toHighwaytohell2018 and Erin144000 Part 2: Anew Dawn.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~FLASHBACK OVER~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Bruce P.O.V (because I was in Dick's P.O.V forever!)

"Are you ok Dick?" I asked my son after a few minutes of silence.

Instead of responding, Dick stood up and hugged me.

"It's alright Dick, I've got you, your safe."

"Thank you, Bruce. For everything."

Finally, Dick let go of me and looked over to his sister to see tears streaming down her face.

But before Dick could get to his sister...


I had already picked her up in my arms and was rubbing her back in a calming way.

Dick came over and placed a hand on Sky's back, and instead of putting Sky down, I moved her into 1 arm, and picked up my son in the other, and hugged them both into my chest.

All I ever want to do is protect them from the evil world, keep them forever close to me and never let them go.

I know that I can-not protect them forever, but I sure as hell will try my DAM hardest.

I placed my 2 children down of the ground - they are now sitting on their knees (shins) in-front of their parents' graves, with me in the middle. Though I kept my hand on either of their shoulders.

"Thank-you. I've haven't seen them since... 'that' night. Thank-you Bruce." Sky said through tears.

"A fost nevoie de ceva timp, dar eu sunt acasă." Sky a început să vorbească cu părinții ei. "Am avut o problemă dificilă de 21 sau cam asa ceva luni, dar sa dovedit bine în cele din urmă - sau pentru mine - începutul unei New Dawn. I a lua pentru a ajuta oamenii aproape în fiecare seară, și cu Dick și Bruce, ne asigurăm că nimeni nu trebuie să o treacă prin ceea ce am făcut ... Ai fi mândru de noi, în picioare pentru ceea ce-i drept - lupta pentru justiție. În fiecare zi am încerca cea mai grea mea, eu chiar fac ... eu acasă mândru ta de mine." Sky soptit ultima parte.

{"It took a while, but I'm home." Sky started talking to her parents. "I had a difficult 21 or so months, but it turned out alright in the end - or for me - the Beginning of a New Dawn. I get to help people almost every night, and with Dick and Bruce, we make sure no-one ever has to go through what we did... You'd be proud of us, standing up for what's right - fighting for Justice. Every day I try my hardest, I really do... 'I home your proud of me, I love you'." Sky whispered the last part.}

"Bună Mamă, Tată ... Îmi pare rău, am eșuat. Nu tu. M-am oprit vina pe mine anul trecut, nu, am reușit Sky. Am lăsat-o să alunece pe lângă mine, în ghearele unui monstru, prea mulți monștri. N-am avea grijă de ea, îmi pare rău ... Te rog iartă-mă. De data aceasta, va fi mai bine, voi veghea asupra mea soră - sora - Eu promit că voi proteja Skyla, mai bine decât înainte. Tu ai fost cei mai buni părinți vreodată, și îmi pare rău că a luat pentru mine să piardă amândoi să vedeți asta. Imi este dor de tine si te iubesc."

{"Hi Mamă, Tată... I'm so sorry, I've failed. Not you. I stopped blaming myself last year, no, I've failed Sky. I let her slip past me, into the claws of a monster, too many monsters. I didn't take care of her, I'm sorry... Please forgive me. This time, it will be better, I will watch over my soră - sister - I promise that I will protect Skyla, better than before. You were the best parents ever, and I'm sorry that it took for me to loose both of you to see that. I miss you and I love you."}

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