Chapter 19 - Patrol without parental supervision - Dedicated to Wonder0617

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Robin P.O.V

Somewhere in the city – 2:43am

'We've been out for over 3 hours now and Seth has been doing great. No killing strikes, attempts at killing or anything. It is great to have her back though, and Seth out here with me just makes it feel like old times – apart from the fact that we are taking down criminals together and not practicing for a show.'

"Can you hear that?" Seth asks me as she stops running.


"It sounds like... muffled screaming? Something's not right."

"Seth wait up!" I called out after my sister.

"There!" She says, pointing to a man holding 2 kids at gunpoint with 2 adults 5 meters away from him.

"Come-on." I said as I flipped down from the roof, Seth coming down behind the man.

"Let the kids go, now."

"Oh yea! What's one little kid gonna do to?" the man sneered at me, completely oblivious of Seth behind him.

"Don't forget about me, I'm here too." Seth said in a whinny child voice. The man jumped at the sound.

"So that makes 2 "little kids" as you put it." And Seth attacked while I took care of the children and got the family out of there.

"Seth that's enough!" I yelled at her, she was losing control.


Seth was going all out on the man, she had already broken his left arm and most likely a few ribs.

"Seth STOP! He's had enough!" Robin called from the side. But Seth didn't stop beating the man up until Robin attacked her just before she slit the man's throat.

"Seth stop this isn't you, this is Renegade. And I know that my sister's in there somewhere, come back."

"Help Me." Was the only reply he got.

"Come-on lets go home, you've had enough for one night."

Seth P.O.V

Another dollar, another day, I could use some change.

'The man almost took those kids away from their family.'


From this repetitive charade

'He deserves to die'


He reads like a book, he's got me hooked, but I can't find the last page.

'I could Kill him, just like I was trained to.

But, I'd rather find an escape

'But I want to get out of this life – of killing,'


Help me, Believe in something

'But I shouldn't.'


Cause I am...

'But he deserves it.'


Broken, I'm Down To Nothing

'But I hate killing, I promised Dick, Bruce, myself.'


'Cause it's just so hard to be this way,'

'But if I don't kill him, he'll just rip apart more families...'

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