Chapter 6 - Still Missing...

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{so this is Actually chapter 6, not 7, SORRY}

So... I'm ALIVE, anyway...

Dick P.O.V (still 7yo – 1 month after Dick's "adoption")

It's been about a month since I found out that my 'Foster dad' Bruce Wayne – is the Batman, and he's been training me after the Zucco fiasco at the old circus ground. Batman has been searching for my sister, Skyla. (Alex) He originally thought that Zucco had her, but after a very lengthy interrogation, found nothing. Not a single lead of her whereabouts. About a week ago, a new villain was spotted stealing – but the crook, was a young kid, very young. Batman and I have a hunch that this kid, is Sky, but we can't seem to locate 'her' or even get more that a glimpse of her.

Time Skip – 7 months later (Alex/Sky – end of her 1st month with the Court of Owls) – in the Bat Cave –

Batman\Bruce P.O.V

The kid that I believe to be Skylaina Faith Grayson – has disappeared. For a month now I haven't heard a single report matching the description of her methods, No, the person who has done this to her methods.

"Robin, come here." I asked my young Ward

"Look, Dick. I found out who took your sister"

"What! Who?!" Dick, in his robin costume without a mask on half yells. I turned around in my chair and typed a few things onto my computer and a file came up.


"Dickie listen, Slade's apprentice has been missing for 3 months now... I found a file on an old CADMUS project, 'Project R – Renegade.' But it shut down a month ago. And Death-Stroke's apprentice hasn't been spotted either, but a new Talon has been seen running around Gotham, a very young Talon."

"What has happened to her?... We have to help her." My young ward exclaimed.

Time Skip – 4 months later (1 month with the league of Shadows) – Dicks Room – Open P.O.V

Whimpering could be heard coming from across the hall – Dick's room! Bruce got up and sprinted to his young wards room. As he entered the room he saw Dick thrashing around in his bed murmuring incomprehensible words.

"nu vă rog. SKY, stop, te pot ajuta, Te rog, nu mă obliga să fac asta ..." {no, please. SKY, stop, I can help you, Please, don't make me do this...} Dick said louder. (in Romanian of course).

Bruce P.O.V

"Come on Dickie-Bird, wake up! It's just a dream, it's not real." Suddenly Dick jerked up in bed, tears streaming down his face.

"Oh, Dickie, come here." I said quietly to my ward as I pull him into a hug. Slowly, the crying stopped and I noticed that he was fast asleep in my arms. I knew what Dick was dreaming about, because I stated learning Romanian as soon as I took Richard in. His Sister. The poor little girl, out there alone.

"I promise Dickie, I will find your sister, and I will save her." With that I picked up Dick in my arms and took him to my room, placed him in my bed, got in myself and wrapped a protective arm around my son. And fell into a deep sleep.

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