Chapter - Explain

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So I realised how confusing some of my chapters are and that some timelines don't add up. So I'm gonna explain a few things.

First off, Sky (Alex) only spent 2 months in Cadmus, not 4.

Second, I also calculated the time in the story and figured out that Sky's birthday is the 27th of October 2009 – saying that Dick's B-Day is 11th of November 1007 – not in the 1900 or something.

Third, I wanted to do some more backstory of what happened in the 21 months that Sky was 'missing' and what really happened with her and her 'masters' [captors]. So every time I feel like it, I will do a flashback chapter titled (For example) Chapter 16 – Flashback - Death Stroke #1. So I may end up having 7 Death Stroke flashbacks but only one Cadmus flashback.

Fourth, When Sky (Alex) was Renegade with Death Stroke, Slade DID see her hair color but NOT her eyes, as she had to keep her black and white domino mask on at all times.

Slade Does (or did) care about Alex (Sky) in his own, weird way. He kinda sees her as his daughter, but then again he wants someone to continue his legacy once he becomes too old to continue to be a mercenary – assassin, and merely looks at her as his Apprentice – but he kinda wants Alex (Sky) to see him as her father figure.

Fifth, When Cadmus experimented on "Alex" (Sky), they made her reaction time and reflexes way faster than the most advanced assassin. She also has extraordinary strength, as well as Smart and Wise {basically having good judgement in stressful times – she was already street smart.

Sixth, while at the League of shadows, (assassins) Alexa (Sky) had her Death Stroke mask removed but kept her circus mask. (black and white domino mask) Though Thalia did remove it multiple times which will be shown in the flashbacks.

Seventh, Seth's Vigilante costume is exactly the same as Robin's (Damian Wayne's) costume in son of Batman accept the outside of her cape in black not yellow – mainly because I want her to have a hood – Seth will get her costume soon, until then she is using the same as Robin uses 'now' but smaller.

Eighth, BLUE COOKIES! Wait, wrong fandom. But seriously, I don't remember the eighth point, oh well.

If anyone is confused about something, please, leave a comment or IM me the question so I can clear it up.


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