Chapter 44 - "Yikes"

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Chapter 44 - "Yikes"

Skyla studied the detailed interior of the chamber, avoiding making eye contact with the creeps in owl masks. To hell with it all, she thought.

"God save your souls. If my mother believes that I have been injured in any way, she will rain all hell down upon you."

"Alyaksa, dear, do not threaten your hosts. That is poor manners on your part, child." A new voice entered the fray. "However, my daughter speaks the truth. I trust she is unharmed?"


Yikes? That was the child's response to finding out her mother was present? Wow. Alton struggled with holding a straight face as he cracked up inside as the immaturity of the girl.

"Thalia, wonderful to see you again. I assure you that your daughter has not been harmed." The leader gestured to Talon standing behind Alexa, "Alton Carven is responsible for her safety. He procured your daughter of the streets during one of our raids. She has been well taken care of." Thalia only nodded, turning to face her child.

"Mother! You're here?" then she turned to the leader of the Owls. "I apologise. I meant no disrespect." With a curt bow, Alexa had to hold herself back from skipping over to the woman who had become a mother to her. She had really come back for her.

Thalia held her child by the shoulders, nodded in satisfaction when she could not locate any injuries. But when Skye turned to smile at Alton, a small, white scar drew her attention.
Thalia cupper her daughter's face, she held her head to the side to inspect the scar closer. A needle had gone into her neck. They locked eyes and Alexa discreetly shook her head. Thalia ran two fingers over the healed wound.

Alexa stuck to her mother's side like glue for the duration of the meeting. It was entirely boring and a complete waste of time. Thalia could tell her daughter was turned out of the meeting. Although, she wasn't about to complain; she spent so little time with the child these days.
Meeting finally over, Thalia and Skylaina left the central room, silently being led by a Talon back to where Alexa had been staying. Thalia thanked the Alton with a nod and waited until the door was closed before turning to her daughter.

"Alyaksa, they told me that you were unharmed," she reached out to her daughter, expecting the needle intrusion closer. "What were you injected with?"

"Mum, it's fine," her scrutinising gaze lessened at her child's words. "It was Slade... he was trying to protect me..."

"Skylaina Alexa Al Ghul, what are you hiding from me?" Thalia watched as her child sat down on the end of the bed, the weight of the world resting on her shoulders.

Thalia sat down beside her adopted daughter, draping an arm around her shoulders. "Lexie, talk to me... what happened?"

She took a few shuddering breaths before answering, keeping her eyes averted as she spoke. "Last time I was here..." she shrugged, not sure how to continue, she kept her gaze from lifting from her intertwined hands fidgeting in her lap.

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