Chapter 35 - Ghost House

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Chapter 35 – Ghost House

Chapter 35 – Ghost House

2 Hours Later. Time: 1917 Hundred Hours. Game Status: 2nd Round, Wally was caught for 1.5 hours and is the New Hunter.

"I still can't believe you did that Sky. You could have been killed!" Dick whisper yelled at his younger sibling.

"I was fine. They were excited to see me, I wasn't in danger Dick. I knew what I was doing, and I know how to handle myself."

Dick pulled Sky into a tight hug. "I know Phantom," He whispered into her ear. "But that doesn't mean that I can't worry about you. You're my little sister and I just got you back, I'm not ready to lose you again." Dick pulled back from the hug and held his sister at arm's length.

"We better hide Sky, Walls had been hunting for 9 minutes now."

"Yeah, good idea." Sky said quietly as she poked her head around the corner to check for the Hunter or traps lying around. "D, how long have we been playing for?"

"Well, we spent 20 minutes setting up pranks and then this happened." Dick said gesturing to all around him. "So, we probably started at 1620 ish. Sunset was 1624. Damn. We've been at this for just under 3 hours. 45 minutes of which – you were gone!" Dick yelled is a loud and exasperated whisper as he walked out into the corridor.

"And you still need to tell me about what happened." Dick pointed out to his sister as he turned around to face her. Sky hadn't even been listening to him. All her focus was aimed at a point on the wall, and it was shifting to the roof and then back down to Dick's feet.

"Hey. Are you Oka-"

"Rob don't move!" Dick was cut off by his sister yelling for his to stay still. But too late. The damage had been done. A prank had been pulled. The net had caught a bird.

"Good job idiot." Sky said as she carefully came closer to her brother. "I told you not to move – and what do you do?"

"To be fair, your warning was a bit late." Dick pointed out, but at his sisters raised eyebrow and folded arms he gave in. "Okay, I should have scanned the area. Now can you get me out of this?!"

"Well?" Dick questioned after a few minutes of his sister wordlessly untying the ropes that Roy had tied up earlier.

"Well what?"

Well, what happened with the Joker and Harley?"

"I got the thing that I needed. Plus, a lot of pranking advice."

"I still can't believe that you went to Joker and Harley for help with a prank." Although it wasn't said, Sky heard her brother's undertone in the sentence. 'Why would you risk it? You could have been hurt.'

"I could have been injured, probably should not have gone, but I did. I would have been if it wasn't for Joker and Harls, and I didn't die – so no harm done."

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