Chapter 47 - But In The End, It Doesn't Even Matter

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Chapter 47 – But In The End, It Doesn't Even Matter

"Skye?" Jason called out to his sister, who appeared to be lost in her own world. She was leaning onto her hands that were placed on the nearby bench, her back hunched with her head hanging low.

He called her name again, "Skye?" This time her head twitched in his direction. Jason could hear her breathing deeply. Jason suspected she was worried but with her back facing him, he couldn't be sure.

She turned around to face him with her hands resting on her hips, "Yes?"

"You told me we'd get stuck in the system if we didn't run. You lied, didn't you?" While his tone was full of accusation, he wasn't angry. But, if his sister could lie about that, what else had she been lying about?

"Jace, we would have been put in the system and possibly separated... if the police got to us in time. But they wouldn't have. The Court attacked our home and had us tailed." Skye looked over at the window, city lights shining in the distance. "We'd be slaves to the Court by now if we didn't run."

"You could have just told me."

Skye dropped her head and averted her eyes from Jason. "You were already going through so much pain..." She gave a feeble shrug and let her arms hand by her sides. "I didn't want to scare you."

"So you lied to me."

"I'm trying to protect you. I can't lose you as well Jay, I just can't.

"So now what? We're stuck here with nowhere to go."

Jason waited for an answer, but Skye stayed silent. She bit her lip and looked out the window, a deep longing glistening in her eyes.

"I've got to make a call," she said finally. "I won't be too long." And with that, she exited the room. Jason scanned the room, eyeing the couch, he made a beeline for it, flopping himself down, he tried to tune out his sister's conversation coming from the next room. It had all happened so fast, this was his first moment of respite since the explosion.

"Need help... found us... The Court...killed everyone... nowhere else to go... I know but..."

They were gone. Forever. Jason had just found his perfect family, he was just starting to feel accepted and loved, just to have it all blow up in his face – literally.

He lost everything and was helpless to do anything about it. And that scared him to death. No control of his life anymore... they were alone.

For so long, Jason had closed himself off; afraid to be hurt again. He couldn't handle being abandoned again... not after his parents left him. Growing up on the streets was tough, and Jace knew he wouldn't have survived if it hadn't had been for the Ravagers. He had learned at a young age that if you wanted to be strong, you had to learn how to fight alone. But then came Asher and Sage, or as he now he knew them as Dick and Skye, and he knew it was not a coincidence that they met. His brother from another mother and his twin sister from another mister. They were everything to him.

The brother that cheered him up whenever he was sad and the sister that gave him unconditional love all the time. There were times where Dick would come into his room at night after he'd woken up from a bad dream and just hold him until he fell asleep. He'd whisper comforting words and tell stories of his adventures with his friends. Skye would always make time for him; she always made sure he had everything that he needed and never felt left out. He wouldn't have made it without them.

After his poor excuse for a father and a drug addict for a stepmother, Bruce was one of the best things that happened to him. Along with Alfred as a doddering old grandfather figure that supplied him and his siblings with unlimited cookies. Bruce said he wanted him to be his son. Said that he loved him. Told him that he was proud of him. It gave him so much strength and confidence. He trained him to fight and taught him how to be strong. He held him close when he was injured and devoted hours of his time to spend with him. It wasn't fair that he had to lose all that. Why did he have to leave? All of them? It wasn't fair.

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