Chapter 24: The Circus

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Dick P.O.V

"Umm... Bruce, where are we going? Home is the other way." I asked Bruce as he was driving us somewhere un-known.

"You'll see." Was the only answer we got. So for the next 20 minutes Sky started to teach Bruce and myself Latin, since she learned some from Thalia a while back.

22 minutes later {07:45 am} we pulled up at a place that I didn't really recognise, with a sight that I hadn't seen in practically 2 years. Haly's International Traveling Circus.

"And I brought this for you 2." Bruce said as he handed my sister a back-pack. Sky pulled out 2 pairs of Black tights, 2 white and blue singlet shirts and some training shoes. The clothing that we ware when we are training.

"Don't you kids have some old family to say hello to?"

Sky and I jumped out of the car with Bruce following behind us with the bag.

"We should sneak in, and surprise them!" Sky suggested.

"I'll be right behind you, trouble makers."

Jack Haley P.O.V

"Point your toes more Alina! Harry you have to get that landing right! The show's tonight people!" I was watching over everyone practice when 2 people caught my eye.

At first I didn't recognise them. But after watching them do flip after flip and trick after trick – using and relying off of each-other. I realised that everyone had stopped what they were doing to watch. The I saw a tall man in the background, watching the children fondly.

Then it clicked.

"Sky, Dick!" I called as I ran over to the 2 children. They stopped 'tricking' and looked at me for a moment before running and jumping into my arms. Pretty soon the whole circus family that knew Dick and Sky, were in a big group hug.

When we pulled out of the group hug, Sky was no longer in the middle, but holding hands with the man that was watching from afar – now 10 meters away.

"Mr. Haley. You may not remember me but-"

"Bruce Wayne. You took in the kids after that night. It's good to see you again, and the kids, they look happy."

"Nu vă faceti griji Sky, ei sunt familia ta, nomte vor răni" {Don't worry Sky, they are your family, they won't hurt you.} 

"Yes. Well, I suppose you heard about Sky going missing?" 

"Yea, the night their parents were... killed, she went missing. I thought she was declared dead, like last year."

"She was... Batman found her about 3 weeks ago. We we're the only ones that he told. He questioned her about what happened to her and who took her. Sky was only declared alive this-morning. I thought she might feel safer around people she knows."

"Well it's great to see you alive and well Skylaina."

She just kept her head to the ground.

"She had a... difficult, 2 years. We'll talk later." Wayne said as if he was searching for the right words.

"My Haley!" Dick called out. "Can Sky and I perform tonight? PLEASE!"

*sigh* "Mister Wayne, it's your call. I don't mind if they do." I told him.

"Please, my name's Bruce. Mister Wayne was my father." Bruce chucked a batman backpack to Dick. "Go for it."

And at those 3 words, huge Cheshire-cat grins appeared on the kids' faces, they shared a look and then ran off.

"Fie în siguranță." {Be safe.} Bruce called out as they ran off.

Sky P.O.V

'YES!!! We get to perform tonight!' I looked around to make sure that no-one was near us.

"I can't believe that Jack is letting us perform – like without practise or what-not."

"Yea, but I bet that he will make us use a net, just in case."

"And it's not like we haven't done anything – we've been practising our acro and we went on the trapeze a few times together."

"Hey, the target practise area. I forgot about this place..."

"You use to come here every morning at 4am Sky. You would do all sorts of tricks while throwing knives and still hit the target perfectly."

"Dick, what is the human shaped throwing board for?" I asked with slight fear in my voice.

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