Chapter 34 - Hide-n-go-Hunt -Warfare 5

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In this story, I've made up Roy's past and changed Thea and Roy's hero names... (Thea from ARROW)

Chapter 34 – Hide-n-go-Hunt –Warfare 5

The 5 friends spent the day playing games on the x-box, running around and having fun. By about 1600, Wally suggested they have a prank war. So here they were, Barbara and Roy against Wally, Dick and Sky. It started off as minor pranks as they went about their day.
"Sharpie? Seriously?" Barbara asked Roy as they were setting up their 3rd prank.

"I was flipping a kitchen knife in my hand at our first sleep over." Roy said and waved his hand in a 'Nothing big' sorta gesture. "Ever since then..."

"I don't get why you hang around them. I mean, there's nothing wrong with hanging out with younger kids, I hang out with Dick at school cause were in the same class. But, why do you?"

Row sighed before answering. "They may be annoying, cheeky and immature, but, they're my brothers. We fight, we play, we muck around. But most of all, we stand up for each other. Blood makes us related, Loyalty makes us a family. 'The best part of life is when Family becomes Friends, and Friends become Family.' It doesn't matter that we're not genetically related. Love, Support, Trust, Sacrifice, Honesty, Protection, Acceptance, Security, Compromise, Gratitude, Respect and Loyalty. 

That is what makes us a family. It's not defined by last names or blood; but by commitment and love. It means showing up when we need it most, having each other's backs. It is when we choose to love each other even on the days when we're struggling to like each other. It means that we never give up on one another. No matter how irritating and annoying my brothers and sister are, Barbara, I will always love them and I will stand by them till the end of the universe."

"But, don't you have your own, biological siblings?"

"I did. I was the middle child of 5 kids. An older brother and sister, as well as a younger brother and sister. Our mum died when Liana was born, I was 3, Dan was only 7 and had to take care of us. Issy, helped out as much as she could and Danny was 1 and a half. When our Father died, we were all put into the system. Dustan was 12, Isabella 11, Leroy, my full name, I was 8, Daniel was just 7 and Liana was 5 and a half. We were all taken an emergency child home. We lived there for 8 months or so, but there was a fire. We all got out okay, but... Danny and Lia both died of smoke inhalation a day later. 

So, Dan, Issy and I were being taken to another home. We were driving on a mountain when a car came from behind and ran into us. The car flipped and tumbled down the side of the small mountain... Dustan and Isabella both died protecting me. Issy was on my right, and Dan on my left. I was taken to another foster home, but I ran away after only 3 months... the man was abusive... he killed his own daughter, Giselle, age 6. 

I lived on the run for 13 months until I ran into Oliver – literally. I bumped into him and fell over. He could tell that something was up, he bought me ice-cream. I didn't even get to finish it before I passed out. I was 10 by this time. Oliver was only 24, but he still took me in. He introduced me to his sister Thea, she was 14, 18 now though. It's kinda strange, Oliver is my adopted dad, and his sister is also like a big sister to me. She treats me like her little brother and not like a nephew. 

It's nice. Anyway, I'm the eldest out of Dick, Wally, Sky and myself, and I don't mind taking care of them. They're my family now, and I will protect them with my life... Could you pass me that rope?" Roy asked Barbara, pointing to a length of rope a meter away.

{Oliver 28 years old now Thea 10 years younger - 18}

But with nothing happening but the ongoing prank war, they decided to play "Hide-n-go-hunt – warfare 5" as well. With all the pranks lying around, kinda stupid but oh-well. It's like hide-n-go-seek tiggy, but there's no 'tag.' The 'it' person has to hunt down the others playing. Capture them and then keep the person they captured with them with a rope that binds their hands together. If anyone caught can manage to sneak away without being seen – it's fair game. Team ups, treason, double-cross and betrayal all allowed. Kitchen is a safe haven – no baby-sitting – only allowed in for 10 minutes and then teams/or person are not allowed back in for another 20 mins. Any tricks used to detain or evade capture are allowed. No maiming or killing, usage of fire or breaking objects. Minor injuries are acceptable. 3 taps to a person's left arm means that you yield the fight – if the Hunter taps out, they have to go to the centre of the mansion before hunting again. If the Hider taps out, they surrender and allow themselves to be captured and restrained, and must stay for 20 minutes minim. While captured, the hider can either help or hinder the Hunter with true or false information if they choose. The Hunter can interrogate, bribe or make a truce for 30 minutes max. If Hiders team up, they can rescue team-mate, or rescue other Hider in order to make a truce. Bat-cave is out of bounds and the property line in the boundary. Either the last man standing is the next Hunter – though this game never ends. Or the Hunter can keep a Hider in captivity for 1 and a half hours. No powers. (Wally)

The game started at sundown with Dick being the first Hunter.


"Wally, you're already seeking sanctuary?" Sky asked her friend when she walked passed the kitchen.

"What?" Wally poked his head out of the cupboard with a cookie hanging out of his mouth. "Na, I'm just stocking up on fuel." He held up one of Alfred's biscuits. "Want one?"

"Make it 5." Sky said. Wally tossed the little girl that he had come to see as his sister 5 cookies in a clip-seal bag. Sky held the bag up and shook it slightly. "Bribery."

"Ha. See you later sis!" Wally said as her ran – at human speed – out of the kitchen using another exit.

Wally wasn't watching where was going and ran straight into the red-head girl.

"Oh, hey, Barbara." Wally said sheepishly. "Sorry 'bout that." Wally said as he extended a hand to help the girl he knocked over to get back up.

"Who were you talking to in there?" Barbara asked Wally, she knew the answer, but she wanted to see how well kid mouth could cover up.

"Sky." Wally answered quickly, then his eyes widened a fraction with realisation of what he just said.

"But I thought that she couldn't talk?" Barbara said curiously.

"She-can't,-well,-she-doesn't,-she-can-speak-but-she-chooses-not-to. Not-just-because-she-doesn't-want-to,-but-because-she's-afraid-of-what-happened-to-her. Sky-wasn't-talking-she-was-signing-I-was-the-one-talking." Wally said super-fast, Barbara only just managed to catch what he said.

"I could have sworn that I heard 2 voices in there." Barbara pressed.

"What-no. Anyway-look-at-the-time, 10-minutes-of-peace-is-almost-up. Gotta-run!" Walls speed-spoke as he ran off. Barbara, laughing to herself quietly, followed his lead and ran.

Okay, I am SO SORRY for how long this took to come out. It has actually been sitting on my computer for about a month and I FORGOT TO PUBLISH IT! 

Hope you enjoyed! Please feel free to comment any ideas for the story down below. Feedback and constructive criticism are appreciated. Thanks for reading.

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