Chapter 7 - Leaving...Again!!!

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OK so i thought that the YouTube video above matches perfectly to how Renegade must  be feeling about Death Stroke.

Alex/Sky P.O.V

'What? Nu! I don't want to go, I feel safe here and I love it-sorta- but I'm sick of being moved around all the time like someone's property.' We were walking along the roof and I noticed that the stars were very bright, and that the aurora lights were brighter and more colourful than ever.

"Come Child, we must leave, Now!" Thalia stated in an urgent tone.

"They will hunt you down, until they have you, and I can no longer protect you. My Daughter, listen to me, you are a brave soul. But you must leave, Batman he can help you, Give him this." Thalia said as she handed me a folded piece of paper. I put it in my shoe (don't ask) so I don't lose it.

"Now go to a ship, leave for Gotham, NOW! I'll hold them off. Go my child I love you." My mother figure said to me. I through myself into her arms and whispered;

"I love you to mommy." (first time I've spoken in like 21 months) and left.

Time Skip – in Gotham – Sky\Alex\Renegade P.O.V

I was roaming the streets looking for the bat, when...

"Hello Apprentice, I've been waiting for you, tracking you, and I want to see how much your fighting has improved over the past 16 months, come Renegade."

OK, backtrack: so while with the shadows they did manage to get my mask off but didn't take off my domino mask, but before I left for Gotham, I put my mask back on.

So I was fighting\training Slade my old... old, old, old, old master. I'm still wearing the outfit that he gave me all those months ago. Though Slade is rough, I never hated him, I try not to hate anyone. Anyway, Wilson didn't know that I had spoken, and still thinks that I'm mute, but I'm not sure that if speaking once in over 21 months counts, but oh well.

The fight lasted for a very long time, but I gained the upper hand for bit when I found 2 mettle poles on the ground, around the same size as my swords that I have spent the past 8 months training with. Eventually Slade called the fight to an end, saying that I have improved very much and that I will go back into the field immediately. At that I was a bit excited, I had missed the rush that I get when I steel for my Master, and I have missed that feeling for 16 months.

Time Skip – 2 months

Over the past 7 weeks my Master has had me doing very advanced training, and sending me on more dangerous missions and I'm loving it, but I do miss my Mummy –Thalia, though Slade does not know about that connection.

(A/N so basically 'Alex' is forgetting about her passed life – just like Slade wanted. Doesn't remember her real full name, brother, parents or the Circus, just all the skills that she got form her early childhood and her families faces, but she can't remember who they are. She remembers looking at the sunset and up at the stars every night and a few other things.)

{also this is the timeline for the past 23 months:}

- 5 months – Death Stroke / The Light

- 2 months – Cadmus / The Light

- 4 months – Court of Owls

- 8 months – The League of Shadows / Assassins

- 2 months – Death Stroke

Alex P.O.V

I was half way through an op in Gotham when Batman dropped out of the skylight dramatically.

'Seriously, who's gonna pay for that?! He must have taken lessons from the Drama Queen himself. (Percy Jackson anyone? No? OK. Moving on...) I put up a pretty good fight but not my best. While I was fighting the Bat- who seemed surprised of how good I am at such a young age. - A memory floated to the top of my mind...

'Batman, he can help you. My beloved will help you my daughter, but you must let him, you must trust him.'

When Bats threw knock-out gas pellets at the ground, I 'accidentally' breath it in and felt myself drifting off into the black abyss of nothingness.

Time Skip – In the Bat Cave – Alex\Sky P.O.V

I woke up and find myself strapped to a mettle table by straps on my ankles and wrists. Just like back at CADMUS! NU! Not, again.

Batman P.O.V

I heard the kid wake up, so I went in to question her but what I saw shocked me. The young, Mercenary – Assassin, was thrashing around on the 'bed', whimpering and crying (I think – her mask is still on) Looking like she is having a flash back or a panic attack or something. (or in her case it's both). She reminded me so much of Dick 2 years ago, it's scary.

"Hey, where ever you think you are, you're not really there. Nothing bad is happening to you, your safe. Come on, wake up!" as I finished, she bolted up with a start, panting heavily.

"What was that?" – no answer

"Kid, who are you?" – still no answer, she was just starting off into space, as if she zoned out. Cautiously, I reached forward to take her mask off her face but it electrocuted the young Mercenary, shocking her back to reality.

"Are you Ok?" I said as I approached her. Though the closer I came, the more she seemed to struggle against her restraints to get away from me.

'Hu, weird...' I stopped moving to study the assassin more closely: She kind of looks as if she is having a debate in her mind about doing something or not. Once she calms down a bit, I advanced on her again, more slowly as to not put her in a state of panic.

"I'm going to take those off you, but I warn you, there is no place to run" I did notice that her capture was a bit too easy with the knock-out gas, but maybe she was just tired, yet I'm not taking any chances.

Dick is hanging out with Wally West and Roy Harper at Star City over the next week, so he won't be here, and I called Wonder Woman over in case the child doesn't cooperate truthfully, or at all for that matter.

Once the bonds on the kids hands and ankles were off, she simply moved into a sitting position and started fiddling with a pen from out of her pocket.

'Wonder Woman 0-3' the Zeta-Beam voice announced. The kid didn't even move at the noise.

"Wonder Woman, you're here. Now," I said turning my attention the young Mercenary before us.

"The Interrogation will begin. Wonder Woman?"

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