Chapter 9 - The Note and Superman

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Batman P.O.V

Sky handed me a note, so naturally, I read it.


Alexa has been with me for the past 8 months, don't worry, I have taken good care of her, and she is still against killing, even though she was previously forced to. It is no longer safe for me to raise her, for her previous captors are hunting her down, they want her. You must promise to keep her safe and to protect her. She is Electively Mute, from beatings from her past Masters. Her real name is Sky Grayson; her brother is your son Richard. I took her mask off, both of them and saw her eyes. But I warn you, if you hurt my daughter, I will personally hunt you down, send you to Hades, and take her back with me.

- Thalia Al Ghul

"Well that was, enlightening.

"So Sky, how about we get that mask and uniform off?" I went up to Dicks room and took out an old pair of jeans, a blue t-shirt, grey/blue hoody and headed back to the cave.

"Here Skyla, they are your brothers, so they may be a bit big." I said placing the clothing down on the table.

"Come here, and I'll get that mask off, without shocking you." I added as an afterthought. 'I'm gonna need Black Canary to act as a physiologist and counsellor, just like she did for Dickie. Boy, he will be thrilled that I 'found' his sister.'

After 10 minutes I managed to get the face mask off of Sky. And there, underneath, was a black and white domino mask that she and her family had worn the night that they were murdered.

"Come on, go have a shower and get changed and we'll talk after." The only response that I got was a small nod.

Sky P.O.V

As Batman leads me down to a bathroom, my mind wondered, 'almost 2 years ago, I was with Slade, and yesterday, I was back with him. Hey speaking of time passing, my 7th birthday was 2 weeks ago. (Yes I actually calculated the time from her last b-day – 27th of October)

Time Skip

Batman P.O.V

"S-sir" I heard a small voice stutter behind me. I turned around and see little Sky dressed in her brother's old clothes.

"Yea, Sky?" I ask her

"I-I just re-remembered, I'm not 6 a-anymore. I-I t-turned 7, 2 weeks ago."

"We- "I'm cut off by Skyla's yells and screams as she falls to the floor. She was writhing in pain on the floor but I couldn't see anything physically wrong with her. Sky started to yell things like; 'Get out of my head!' and 'Go away!'

I knelt down beside Skyla and tried my very best to calm the traumatised girl down, and eventually, she subconsciously relaxed into my arms.

I laid Skyla down on a bench in the cave and waited for her to re-gain consciousness.

Time Skip – Still Batman P.O.V

When Sky woke up, she pulled a small object out of her ear, a comm. And crushed it between her fingers. Then she ran over to where I keep my Bat-a-rang's and Robin's Bird-a-rang's. Picked one up, slit her left for-arm open and pulls out this chip, - a tracked and vital monitor, and then proceeded to smash it to smithereens with the bat-a-rang.

After I stitched up the gash in Sky's arm, I figured that I should tell her about me.

"Skyla, since you'll be staying here with Dick and I, you should probably know somethings about me. So I've been Batman for 4 years now, (he only went 2 years before he got Robin in this.) And your brother has been my partner for the past 2 years, known as 'Robin'.

"Hey, that was lui mumie (mummy's) nickname for him." "Robin? He did say it was a family name. What about your nickname?" "Seth. Mumie (mummy) and Dick called me Seth, as in the owl. (I don't think that is even an animal, but my fanfic, my imagination. Deal with it) But Dick use to call me Phantom, and I called him Phoenix. Because I had a wild imagination, and anything that wasn't real could be possible. Phoenix, was because Dickie loves mythologies, and birds. And would always fight for freedom and peace, if it was the last thing he ever did." "So Dick went away for the week with his 2 best-bro-friends, Wallace West and Roy Harper- "Aka Kid Flash and Speedy." "Wha-How?" "When you left to go clean up the medical stuff I may or may not have hacked into the Bat-computer, searched up my brother, found out who he's with, and searched them up in the JLA files." She said all of that in 1 breath. Sky P.O.V'I'm doomed. He'll give me back to Slade now, he-' "Great Job kiddo, that took Dick at least a week to do on his first try." Batman said as he placed a hand on my shoulder. "Oh and by the way, - he reaches up to his cowl and pulls at it -, my name is Bruce Wayne. Now let's go up to the watch tower. Green Arrow is bringing the boys there in a half an hour." Batman put his cowl back on and led me towards the zeta beam. "You need a name." "Seth" I decided, to honour the family.He typed in my name and a code after. "Robin is B-01, or now 01.1 and you are Seth B-01.2 ok? "Yep." I said, popping the 'p'."B-Batman?" I asked hesitantly. "If Wallace and Leroy (Wally and Roy) aren't sidekicks, then why do they have a name, file and code?" "...Well, we wanted the kids to be able to access the Watch Tower I case of an emergency and it was necessary to give them an access code... and the name was probably because of Robin being the first ever sidekick..." In the Watch Tower Superman P.O.VI was in the Watch Tower with the rest of the league, minus Green Arrow and Batman-. Recognised - Batman 0-2- Seth B-01.2 And speak of the devil and he shall come an- wait who is Seth? "Batman" That was Wonder Woman "Is that... Renegade?" "Was, everyone, this is Skylaina Faith Grayson, or Seth, in uniform. We all knew that name, Batman had spent the past 2 years looking for Dick's sister. And now the little Renegade, is standing right here, having managed to worm her way into the frozen heart of the big bad bat. Recognised - Green Arrow - Robin B-01.1- Kid Flash B-03- Speedy B-06(I'm just gonna have them all keep their original number cause it's easier) "Come on Roy, I won that last one." Came Wally's voice "No you didn't KF, actual-" Roy got interrupted by Dick "Actually I won!" "Well you cheated!" Wally pointed to Dick. "How?" Dick asked. "You hacked Laser Tag!" Wally accused. "Memorising the arena isn't cheating!" Dick defended himself. "Both of you just shut up!" Roy interrupted. "Batman, Who's... SKY?! My brother ran up to me and gave me the biggest hug, as if, when he let go, I would disappear.

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